When You Realize: “That’s Innovative!”

MyQ Solution
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2018

Last week I sent 9 different print jobs to our MyQ print server over 2 days. As I was extremely busy with meetings and such, I did not have time to fetch the documents right away — and as one major benefit of ‘pull-printing’ is the security aspect of documents not sitting around (exposed) on a printer, I waited until I would (of course most efficiently) have time to print them all at once.

When I eventually swiped my ID badge to access the list of print jobs that I’d sent, I saw a total of 9 documents in the queue. I was initially surprised that I would even want to print so many documents in a 2-day period.

A quick review of the pending documents showed that I could actually delete 3 of those 9 jobs before actually printing them, as the documents were no longer needed.

I walked away with my 6 needed documents and then it hit me…

33% reduction in waste — and associated costs.

And that was just my own savings, in only 2 days. What potential would that have — in terms of ink/toner, paper (trees, forests), maintenance costs, and ultimately higher profits — for departments that print a lot of large documents on a regular basis, like HR, Finance, or Legal teams?

Case Study for Czech Social Security Administration, GOVERNMENT sector
Case Study for Metrostav, CONSTRUCTION sector

We see a lot of statistics about how much MyQ saves our customers, but I had never really made the conscious connection that it does exactly the same thing for us at our own offices — every single day.


Martin Janus, our CEO, has said about why he and his friends initially built MyQ: “We wanted to build something that would help companies to save time and automate processes, enabling fewer people to do more… to reduce training needs for new people and make it a consistent experience.”

Three ways that MyQ returns money to the PROFIT column

MyQ certainly does that. And I’ve been inspired to have a couple chats with Martin about the concept of laziness often driving innovation. Bill Gates has been quoted saying, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it,” and I recall that Henry Ford and a few others have suggested similar, that a person who does not want to work all day is often the best person to get things done in the most efficient — and innovative — way possible.

“We had one definitive vision — to produce a simple and cost-effective solution,” said Janus in a 2015 interview with Andrew Unsworth of KeypointIntelligence.com.

And the rest is history.

Ahead of its time: Astrologicky Orloj (Astronomical Clock) in Prague

After my own personal positive interaction with MyQ Solution as an automatic saver of time and resources last week, I realized that MyQ is another one of a long list of innovations/discoveries that Czechs can be proud of: Polarography, Contact Lenses, Sugar Cubes, Arc Lamps, Semtex, Screw Propellers, Fingerprints, Blood Types, Lightning Conductors… and of course the original Pilsner-style beer — widely known as the best in its class.

If you’d like to learn how our software can help your organization achieve much larger profit margins by cutting unnecessary waste, please contact the MyQ branch nearest you.

About the author

Jason Mashak is the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at MyQ Solution in Prague, CZ, M.Ed., musician/poet, Dad to two girls.

Follow and connect with Jason on Twitter, and LinkedIn.

About MyQ

MyQ makes the award-winning, universal MyQ Solution for secure print management and workflow optimization via printers and other multi-functional devices. Headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic, with additional branches in Austria, France, Germany, Russia, UAE, the UK, and the USA, MyQ works with the most-recognized global vendors in the printing industry. CIO Business World rates MyQ a “Top 100” Czech technology company. For more info, visit: www.myq-solution.com

This story was originally published in The Startup, Medium’s largest entrepreneurship publication followed by over 325,000 people.



MyQ Solution

Award-winning print management software featuring personalization, air-tight security and outstanding document workflows.