3 easy steps that helped me quit my job in only 6 months.

Starting a successful business

Business Haven
3 min readJun 23, 2022


Photo by Kristin Wilson on Unsplash

Quitting a job is one of the scariest decisions a person can make. A lot of questions come to the mind; what if I fail in business?, what if I do not find another means of income? etc.

Nevertheless, taking that bold step in becoming an entrepreneur can be the best decision of your life.

You probably don’t like your job, and that’s fine. A lot of others like me didn’t like their job too. But before I start listing out the steps you could follow, I want you to first make sure that you’re quitting with the right motive and that you have looked at it from every angle and known, that it’s high time you quit. You cannot just quit your job for fun. There are several things to analyze before quitting your job.

Of course, there are a lot of fears and risks involved in starting your own business. You are most likely to fail when you choose this path. But you are to understand that risks and failures are part of the process.

“A life without risk is risky”

Here are three easy steps to follow if you want to quit your job and start a successful business.

Ensure that you have a good product/service

A good product or service is the first thing you should consider when trying to quit your job to start your own business. You must have something good to offer. A business that will grow into a very successful one needs nothing but a spectacular offer(product/service). Having a good product or service that is in demand will solve most of your problems.

Having a good product/service means having a product or service that satisfies the customers’ needs, is in demand, solves a problem, is legal, and can stand the test of time.

In today’s world, finding a good service or product shouldn’t be hard. Skills, talents, gifts, etc, can all be monetized and you can easily create a business out of it.

You mustn’t build a business around a product or service that you don’t have proficient knowledge of. This is why you shouldn’t stop acquiring knowledge and skills.

Reasons why an outstanding product or service is needed in a business.

  1. It builds customer trust
  2. It attracts investors
  3. It stands the test of time
  4. It increases profit
  5. It beats the competition
  6. It satisfies customer needs.

Create a good business model.

A business model is a plan for the successful operation of a business, identifying sources of revenue, the intended customer base, products, and details of financing.

Thousands to millions of businesses are created every year but a vast number of them fail mainly because of the lack of a good business model, adequate management, good marketing skills, and the required knowledge to grow the business into a successful one.

Find a business model that works best for your business. This is important because, without a good business model, your business won’t grow at all.

Have an online presence.

The world is constantly moving into a digitally inclined ecosystem and it is no news that your online presence is your presence. For your business to reach a larger audience whether it is locally or globally, it will need its online presence.

You can hire professionals to help you advertise your business.

Don’t be scared of putting your business out in front of the world. Always talk about your business.


Work with a team.

Once you can afford to hire employees in your business, don’t hesitate. Your business will benefit from the collective knowledge of a TEAM. There will be a division of labor and you will have time to focus on improving your product.

A business needs a proper management team to survive as said in point #2.

TEAM — Together Everyone Achieves More


If you believe in the purpose of starting your business and you apply consistency and discipline, one day, your business will grow into something bigger than your expectations.

N/B: This article isn’t very detailed because it is just a summary of the essentials of starting your own business. I will talk about this again.



Business Haven

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