How can you make 200k/year in your own online business?

Create a really successful online business.

Business Haven
3 min readMay 16, 2022


It really depends on having adequate management, a good working infrastructure or business model, a successful marketing initiative, and sometimes enough capital to start.

Making such an amount of money within a year is no joke. While it may be seamless for some business owners, it can also be very difficult for some business owners especially the ones that don’t have full knowledge of growing a business. Of course, thousands of online businesses achieve more than this within a year. But the question is how do they achieve this number. I have a few suggestions.


Photo by Viacheslav Bublyk on Unsplash

Get a good product/service.

Good products/services in this case may be one that is in demand, one that solves a problem, one of good quality, and one that satisfies a customer’s needs. Once you have a good product/service, you are already on your way to the goal. Really successful businesses always have extremely good products. By having a good product, you will be able to satisfy your customer’s needs and they can recommend your product to other people that need it. This way, you will have customers purchasing your product regularly. Your product/service must be one with fair profit margins that serve the pursuit of wealth and give great value to customers.

Establish a very good online presence

It is no news that your online presence is your presence. Again, every successful online business has a good online presence like social media pages where they showcase the products/services they offer. The truth is “if you don’t tell, nobody will hear”. Make noise everywhere, run ads, post on social media and blogs. Make sure you are targeting an audience that is interested in your product or service so that you won’t have the wrong traffic.

Enjoy what you do

Enjoy what you are doing. You don’t have to dive into a business model because other people were making a lot of money off it. The truth is you will need to love it first otherwise you won’t see good results and in most cases, you start to blame yourself. If you are into what you love doing, you will put in the effort needed to grow that business.


Reaching such an amount in revenue requires great consistency. I am sure you have heard that consistency can get you anything you want, so why don’t you put in the amount of time and effort needed to scale your online business to the top. With consistency, you can beat any competition you have.

Learn and grow

If you have an online business that you want to scale to the top, you need to keep learning new things every day so that your business can adapt to the changes going on in the world. The world is very dynamic and if your business cannot adapt, you will have a lot to lose. Also if you have this in check, your customers will be happy because they know you are always on the right track.

Have a good marketing strategy

Your marketing strategy must be great even if this means hiring professional content marketers or promoters.

Be ready to take risk

Risk is very essential for growth. If you fear loss, you breathe life into its potentiality. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes along the way because really successful businesses made great mistakes and failed big. If anything is worth trying for your business to grow, then try.

Try to stay ahead of the competition

Analyze the related competitive environment. Put effort into beating the competition. Make sure your business is in a good Economic, Legal and social environment.

Believe in the goal

Finally, if you don’t believe first that you can achieve this, then you will not. Achieving such a goal also requires much confidence and hard work.

If you want me to write an article on the different methods of making money online, write it in the comments and follow for more business topics.



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