How Waking up at 6 a.m. made Me Successful at 17 Y/o: This is What the Rich Don’t tell You!

Do you struggle to achieve your study and life goals? Do you think life has something against you which avoid you from being successful? Mmh, I think you should read this…

Ilaria Gatti
Business Haven
5 min readAug 2, 2022


It is said that the slightest flap of a butterfly’s wings is capable of causing a hurricane on the other side of the world.

-from the movie The Butterfly Effect

When I think of my life before the pandemic I see a totally different person from now. I was a 17-year-old girl with common interests in shopping, friends and sport…I was an ordinary girl living an ordinary life.

Image by Zac Durant

However, due to the lockdown, I started to change some of my habits and for the time being, I started doing exercise at 6 a.m. A challenge a first, a lifestyle later.

In addition to health benefits, my mind was healed and when the majority of people was struggling with the consequences of the pandemic, I was experiencing the best period of my life!

At the age of 17 y/o, I started to search for an online job: I simply created a long message to send in the DMs explaining who I was, no matter the lack of practical experience, I would learn it on the way…and guess was? I got my first job as a content creator!

This was the message i sent away

And that was just the beginning…I got another remote job for an Italian StartUp called @stepsconnect which helps young people to avoid work mismatch.

Still, the job part was not the most important one…I have also started growing my mindset: even though I cam from a middle-class family I have an endless hunger for achieving the highest peak possible and developing my full potential.

Am i lying to you? No, these are the main goals i have achieved:

  • I got two jobs in 3 months (@thepositeshub @stepsconnect)
  • i started doing fashion collabs on IG (ilaaa.gatti)
  • i graduated with 100/100
  • i entered Bocconi Univesity (My dream Uni lol!)
  • I was always portrayed as an inspiring model by my classmates

I did all of this thanks to the longing to grow and educate myself with a lot of online courses, YT videos, books and experiences.

Wow that’s a huge change, isn’t it? And all of this just because in order to avoid boredom I started waking up at 6 a.m.!

But how could it be that a simple change may change yourself radically? I couldn’t find an answer till I found out about the Butterfly theory.

Image by Andra C Taylor Jr

If I told you that a microscopic change in one of your behaviours could lead you to be rich, to have the body you desire, to become one of the top experts in your field, to be as happy as you have ever been, would you believe me?

This is “scientifically” proven: small changes in your life can contribute to big (or very big) results. This theory, derived from physics and chaos theory, can also be applied to our life and all areas in it. Studying the lives of successful people, I saw many coincides and similar habits that I am trying to imitate every day!

What is the butterfly effect?

The Origins of the Butterfly Effect TheoryEdward Lorenz, an American mathematician and meteorologist, was one of the pioneers and developers of modern chaos theory, as well as the creator of the neologism butterfly effect.

Lorenz verified the effect while developing a weather model. In particular, he discovered that by perceptibly changing some initial conditions, the results of the model changed dramatically and took a completely different path than the results with the initial conditions unchanged.

The key word here is perceptibly. In fact, the changes made to the initial corrections in the model were so small that they could be considered absolutely insignificant. Even so, the results were incredibly different and unexpected.

”The displacement of a single electron by a billionth of an inch, at a given time, could mean the difference between two very different events, such as the killing of a man a year later by an avalanche, or his salvation.

-Alan Turing (one of the fathers of computer science)

Our entire everyday life is surrounded by butterfly effects. Each of our achievements, whether small or large, began with a behaviour (positive or negative) that, over time, led to great consequences.

Image by Linus Nylund

Even you and I are currently experiencing thousands (if not millions) of butterfly effects. Behaviours initiated in childhood, small actions put in place years and years ago, and educational patterns that have produced certain results over time, are all butterfly effects currently taking place in our lives.

Even if we are not fully aware of them, the butterfly effect is a constant in our existence, a constant that we need to start taking into account. If you think about it, everything in our existence, good or bad, is the result of a butterfly effect. Even things not directly attributable to us are part of a butterfly effect that has occurred in the lives of other people, even people we don’t even know.

Some of the most powerful questions that I have been asking myself in order to understand the potential butterfly effect arising are the following:

  • What can this behaviour I am engaging in lead to?
  • What consequences am I facing if I continue it over time?
  • What future will I have to contend with if certain behaviours of mine or certain current situations remain as they are?

I wish you the best and hope you could achieve that same goals and even bigger ones!

Hello, World! My name is Ilaria and I publish tips on finding ‘shortcuts’ to make your life easier and more satisfactory.

If you like this kind of content tell me so that I can write more in the future!

I am just 19 y/o but my ultimate goal is to have a digital nomad lifestyle in the future, in the waiting I try to reach 100 followers on Medium to enter the Partner Program…So comment or a Clap would be a little effort for you but a huge help to me!

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Ilaria Gatti
Business Haven

19. I help you find Side Hustles to monetize. I share bites of motivation here and there.