Fans, Followers & The Drip, Drip, Drop

David Lano
Business Inspiration
2 min readJan 8, 2014


Let’s face it, we all get a little frustrated and disappointed when people don’t notice or embrace what we’ve written, created, or talked about. Whether it be your own blog, service, or presentation, people may not care and trust may not have been built yet.

You Want Attention Eh?

I’ve talked about wanting attention before and how it can be a slippery slope, but on the other hand we also need others to notice and interact with what we’ve done, before they become fans or followers.

The ‘T’ Word: Trust

So, how do we build trust? Do we bombard them with information and overwhelm them with enthusiasm? Trick them? Deceive them? No. It’s all about the Drip, Drip, Drop — that steady stream of value, accumulated overtime, until finally, unexpectedly(!) they become a fan. A true follower, once a skeptic now a believer. Which drip was responsible for convincing them to cross over? No one knows. But each drip, as small and as minuscule as it may seem was part of the flood that they now trust and respect.

Persevere my Friend

The Drip, Drip, Drop requires patience, perseverance, and dedication. You can’t just expect people to latch on and become die hard fans over night. It takes time, commitment and most people give up just before it starts paying off.

Where’s the Value?

One thing we have to remember though is the Drip has to be something great. Nobody wants to read a mediocre blog post, sign up for a worthless service, or listen to a boring presentation. Every single drip must be excellent. After all, a potential fan may just see one drip. That’s it.



David Lano
Business Inspiration

Hi, I'm David: Owner @ Control Yours (, Web Developer, Blogger,  Geek, & Tea Drinker; I hit the ground running.