Introducing: CoST Uganda

Nick Moore
Business Integrity Initiative Challenge Fund
1 min readFeb 12, 2020

The Organisation:

The is a multi-stakeholder initiative with participating countries spanning four continents. CoST promotes transparency by disclosing data from public infrastructure investment, helping to inform and empower citizens, enabling them to hold decision-makers to account.

The Project:

Procurement of public infrastructure projects is one of the areas where the public sector and the private sector interact financially- a candidate for corrupt activity, cronyism, and favouritism, as well as outright bribery.

Corruption in procurement in Uganda manifests itself in unnecessary projects, substandard work or unnecessarily expensive work; the diversion of resources; and unjustified or unexpected price increases. CoST Uganda Assurance reports have consistently revealed cost and time overruns among other issues.

The project seeks to promote fair business practices by both the government and private sector by advocating for better disclosure through the Open Contracting for Infrastructure Data Standard, data use and building trust between government and private sector practitioners.

This action aims to achieve three objectives:

  1. To increase disclosed data across projects in Uganda.
  2. To increase competition in doing business with government agencies.
  3. To strengthen transparency in procurement processes of infrastructure projects.

