József Kiss
Business Management
2 min readJul 4, 2015


Freelancers VS Agencies

The question is whether or not you should use the services of freelancers or agencies to fill your staffing needs. There are a wide variety of scenarios that we could talk about, but I am going to talk about one in particular….

“Help! My virtual assistant in the Philippines has disappeared and I have had no contact whatsoever.”

This does not occur all the time but when it does it leaves business owners struggling. What business owner wants to worry about sourcing and all the human resources work that goes along with finding a suitable candidate? Everyone is busy.

Using job posting sites or ‘match making’ services can be difficult for people who have no idea how to hire someone in the first place. You can receive dozens upon dozens of interested freelancers that want to work for you. But who can you trust?

Far too many times I hear complaints from business owners and entrepreneurs who say they are fed up with freelancers. They just don’t have the time to source the right people over the internet.

Business owners can get really frustrated when freelancers suddenly don’t show up. And why shouldn’t they be?


Hire a virtual staffing agency in the Philippines who has an office set up within that country. They are able to monitor staff on a daily basis. Virtual assistants who work for agencies are monitored by management which means they don’t disappear.

Great virtual staffing solutions create fun environments for staff to work in.

The agency model works best for business owners for these following reasons:

1) The agency does all the sourcing, testing, and hiring.
2) An agency takes care of staff and manages them daily.
3) Staff are paid by the agency.
4) Medical and extra training is provided by the agencies.

So the next time you are looking for help in your business with administration or even online marketing help, turn to an agency that houses virtual assistants. They will make sure you work with the right people for as long as you need them.

