Money isn’t Evil. Are you?

Business Management
3 min readAug 1, 2015

Money is the most difficult subject for people to have an honest conversation about! You are probably thinking, “What are you talking about I talk about money all the time.” That is why I said have an honest conversation about money. There was an article that stated that people would rather talk about sex and death rather than have a conversation about money. Isn’t it interesting that something that is a fabric of our very existence is talked about honestly so little? Why don’t people want to talk about money? Really, what is money? What does money do to people and for people?

Why don’t people talk about money? The underlying answer is fear. Most people have a fear of not having enough money, that money will change them if they have too much or think something crazy like “if I had all that money I would have to pay so much in taxes it wouldn’t be worth it. We see many news stories of the problems that come with money. These help to build up this fear of money over an extended period time. We want people to think we are doing well from the outside so we use money to build this superficial wall of things around us. This fear of money creeps into our thinking and can do some real damage. It causes us to say things like “I just need enough money to be comfortable” or “that rich guy must of screwed over a lot of people to get where he is” and my favorite “It is much nobler to have less.” Money and lack of money can grip you around the throat like a snake killing its prey. It also doesn’t help that emotions can become disjointed when money is involved.

What is money? It is different things to different people. If you had to break it down to its root form it is a tool. In fact it is one of the most versatile tools ever made. Need some food? Use money to get it. Need some medical attention? Use money to get it. Need a companion? Use some money to get one. Money as a tool can help feed entire populations of people that don’t have money to feed themselves. Money also has a dark side in that it can be used to control people, put other companies out of business, and corrupt entire governments. Just as a master carpenter has control over his tools to construct beautiful objects you must have control over money. You can do this by learning as much as you can about how money works through books, seminars videos and more. The more you know about your tool the better decisions you can make on its use.

What does money do to people? It amplifies who they are deep down inside. If you are a good person then money will allow you to do more good the more you have. If you are a bad person at your core then you are going to do some really bad things if you get substantially more money than you currently have. You may do them to other people and to yourself. The fear of money turning you into a bad person is what keep some people away from really going after their dreams and the byproduct of money following.
What can money do for people? As money is a tool that you control it can do almost anything you want it to. The more mastery you have over your tools the more you can create or destroy based on the type of person you are. Money cannot solve every problem. That should not stop us from mastering the use of it to solve problems that we want to solve. The great thing is that there is more opportunity and money then there has ever been. Money is infinite.

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Business Management

Aspiring Author & KeyNote Speaker:Success is in Your DNA: People Are My Passion: Helping Is My Purpose: #DNA4Success