Advergent Content Delivery Service (CDS) vs. CDN for Roku Channels

Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing
3 min readJun 25, 2017

Perhaps the biggest expense going forward for any Roku TV channel is content delivery. Typically, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) can cost anywhere from several hundreds to several thousands of dollars to setup and maintain — not including bandwidth fees. The cost of content delivery alone can eat up a sizable portion, it not all or more, of a Roku channel’s budget and/or revenue. It’s these ongoing (and growing) costs that can turn many content creators off to the idea of launching a Roku channel in the first place.

Enter Advergent. Instead of providing a more costly Content Delivery Network to Roku channel publishers, Advergent offers what it calls, Content Delivery Service or CDS, at a significantly lower price point. This enables even the smallest or most casual of content creators the opportunity to develop and launch a high quality Roku channel and serve their content with the best of them.

Advergent CDS is designed specifically for use with Roku Direct Publisher. It works seamlessly between Direct Publisher and the channel publisher’s DropBox account to offer a simple-to-use content delivery solution that even those most novice of channel publishers can utilize.

With Advergent CDS, channel publishers simply upload their video content to DropBox and share it with Advergent. Advergent then immediately ingests the content to its own enterprise CDN and encodes it for delivery. Basically, Advergent partitions and shares its own CDN space with multiple channel publishers. The volume of content lowers storage costs overall and reduces bandwidth charges to next to nothing.

Not only does this result in lower Content Delivery costs for Roku Channel publishers, it cuts down significantly on the amount of labor involved in updating Roku Channel feeds, as Advergent then generates content “items” for the Channel Publisher to simply copy and paste into their MRSS XML or JSON feeds.

Currently, Advergent supports the following tags:

  • Video title
  • Duration
  • HD video link
  • Screenshot link
  • Category (blank)
  • Description (blank)

The Channel Publisher then needs only to update the content category and description for each item when updating their feed file. Hey, you get what you pay for — what do expect for as little as $12.95 a month?

Advergent’s Content Delivery Service is perfect for small to medium-sized Roku Channel publishers who can’t afford the luxury — or who lack the development capacity — to automate the feed updating process. In other words, if you’re coding your feed updates by hand, it may be worth the twelve bucks to a hundred bucks a month to have Advergent do most of that work for you.

Of course, Advergent is happy to customize CDS to fit the needs or process of every Roku Channel publisher, regardless of size. Actual pricing is based on total storage used and there are no initial setup fees:

  • Up to 25 videos (or 20GB total) — $12.95/month
  • 26 to 100 videos (or 100GB total) — $24.95/month
  • 101 videos to 250 videos (or 300GB total) — $49.95/month
  • 251 to 600 videos (or 1TB total) — $99.95/month
  • 601+ videos (or up to 3TB total) — $149.95/month

Advergent Content Delivery Service isn’t for everyone, but it does create an affordable content delivery solution for most Roku Channel publishers. It’s available as a standalone service or as part of Advergent’s Turnkey Roku Channel development packages which start at just $295.

Advergent makes it easy and affordable for content creators of all sizes to develop and launch their own channels on the fast-growing Roku TV platform.

For more information about Advergent, Turnkey Roku Channel Development, or Advergent Content Delivery Service (CDS), visit



Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing

a/k/a Phil Italiano, Publisher, Screw Magazine | | @PhilAutelitano