Before You Launch a Roku Channel, Contact Me FIRST!

Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing
2 min readApr 8, 2015


Been there. Done that. Over the past two years, I’ve conceptualized, developed, and launched numerous Roku channels including some of the most popular channels on the little purple platform, like Raw Country, The Movie Trailer Channel, Vegas Sports Advisors, and the all-new Paula Deen Channel. That said, I’ve seen it all. I’ve dealt with all the trial and error, and all the successes and failures of launching a new channel. I’ve dealt with all the problems and issues — and I’ve even created some NEW problems and issues along the way. I pretty much learned the hard way — that is, the long, cold, lonely, and expensive way — how to turn a great idea into an awesome channel and then turn that awesome channel into a money-making reality.

It’s not as easy as it sounds or as it appears to be.
Many factors can come into play if you don’t do it right, and that can not only lead to delays in launching your channel, but to additional expenses as well.

So before you spend one hard-earned penny on developing a Roku channel to take your vision to the airwaves, you’d be wise to get in touch with me so that I may share with you MY experiences in working with the Roku platform as well as the people at Roku.

I can tell you what to expect, and what NOT to expect.
I can tell you who to deal with and who NOT to deal with.
I can share with you some “tricks of the trade" to getting your channel launched quickly and easily, and with minimal aggravation.

And I can share with you the "secrets" to making the MOST money with it.

Learn from my mistakes.
Learn from my failures.
And of course, learn from my successes.
I am here to help — contact me FIRST.

Email me anytime at to discuss your Roku project, no matter what stage of development or launch you’re in.

— P.

Phil Autelitano is Founder and CEO of Mediarazzi. We develop TV channels and applications for Connected TV including Roku, Amazon Fire TV, OperaTV, and more.




Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing

a/k/a Phil Italiano, Publisher, Screw Magazine | | @PhilAutelitano