How to Build Your Outrageously Profitable Roku Channel

Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing
6 min readMar 24, 2015


By Phil Autelitano

Are you an expert in your field? Are you an accomplished artist or performer, a successful businessperson, a well-trained or well-educated professional, a top-notch trainer or educator, or a brand manager?

Do you have quality work — whether artistic or educational or promotional — to share? Do you have quality, professional advice to offer?

If you answered “Yes” to any of those, WE NEED TO TALK because we have an OUTRAGEOUSLY PROFITABLE opportunity waiting for you with your own Roku TV Channel.

My name is Phil Autelitano and my company, Mediarazzi, develops TV channels and applications for Roku and other Connected TV platforms like Amazon Fire TV and Samsung Smart TV. We’ve developed some of the most popular channels on Roku including the new Paula Deen Channel, Oscar de la Hoya’s Ring TV, Raw Country, Classic Rock TV, Whisky a Go Go, and dozens of other popular food, music, sports and lifestyle channels.

We partner with content creators and professionals like YOU to build top quality, money-making TV CHANNELS.

If you have an interesting, unique, and/or compelling concept and you’re not afraid of the camera (or you know how to use one) then we can PACKAGE you and your content into your own TV CHANNEL that can be MONETIZED and distributed via Roku and other Connected TV platforms (Amazon, Opera, etc.) to hundreds of millions of viewers worldwide.

Let’s start with Roku.
With your own Roku TV Channel you get…

  • Roku to distribute your content to millions of viewers for you!
  • A solid, growing community of Roku viewers promoting your channel among themselves (word-of-mouth)!
  • Extremely low barrier to entry — very low start-up cost!
  • Outrageously high profit potential — earn 3x times what you would on YouTube, and more!
  • A low-risk business you can operate virtually anywhere in the world (all you need is a camera and internet connection, or access/rights to content)
  • Make money on “autopilot” 24 hours a day!
  • Prestige and recognition of having your own TV Show or owning a TV Channel.

Financial independence. Passive income stream. The added credibility and prestige of having your own TV Show. These are the benefits of launching your own Roku TV and Connected TV Channel.

And WE can help you achieve those!

We will help you develop and launch your own OUTRAGEOUSLY Profitable Roku TV Channel in just 7 to 10 days — even if you’re starting with ZERO content. You don’t even have to have 1 minute of content produced yet… but if you do, that certainly helps speed things along.


We can help you develop your CONTENT. We can show you how to quickly turn what you know, or what you do, into rich, compelling content ready for distribution.

We will help you develop your CONCEPT. We’ll help you create an attractive “package” for your content — the hook, the theme, the identity.

We will then develop your concept into a full-blown, Roku TV CHANNEL. We do all the coding and technical stuff so you can concentrate on what yo do best — creating more content.

We will then MONETIZE your TV channel with high-paying advertisers — pay per view AND performance based. We offer MORE monetization solutions to Roku and Connected TV channels than ANYONE, anywhere. We’ve PIONEERED and DEVELOPED more than anyone, anywhere.

We will then help you promote your new TV Channel to the growing Roku and Connected TV audience.

You simply update your content (or create more) on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and together with Roku and Connected TV, we will do the rest.

And THAT means BIG MONEY for YOU.

Imagine MONTHLY ROYALTIES for your content — getting paid significant, passive income for stuff you’re probably already doing anyway!

You can keep doing whatever it is you do while your new TV CHANNEL works in the background, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, churning out your content, collecting viewers, and advertising dollars.

It’s that simple.

You CAN’T do this with YouTube.

Connected Television is the fastest growing segment of the in-home entertainment industry. For awhile it was cool to watch movies and TV shows on tablets and mobile devices, but it wasn’t enough. People like to gather to watch TV and you can’t do that with 10 people hunched over an iPhone. People like to experience TV — surround sound, high def. As device screens get smaller and smaller, TVs are getting bigger and BIGGER, not to mention more affordable.

People everywhere are now turning their heads away from small screens in favor of what’s always been the biggest screen in the house — the TV is back! And it’s back with a vengeance.

Connected TV is like TV on steroids. It’s HUGE. Unlike Broadcast TV with 10–12 channels or Cable TV with 100–200 channels, Connected TV offers thousands of channels, with more popping up every day! There are channels for just about everything — movies and TV (of course), sports, food, religion, tech, games, and more — and not just the broader categories, but specific, niche channels. Like did you know there’s a channel devoted entirely to Sports Handicapping (Vegas Sports Advisors)? Or what about one devoted entirely to Paula Deen (Paula Deen Channel)?

The possibilities with Connected TV are endless.

Content creators, professionals, trainers, educators — anyone with information to share — finally have a way to distribute their content to your TV set. Sure, they’ve had YouTube for years, but that’s small screen and let’s face it, unless you already have a following, if you launch a channel on YouTube it‘s likely to only get lost among the other millions of channels.

Connected TV is still young and fresh. It’s got a long way to go before it’s over-populated like YouTube. In fact, YouTube knows this and has launched its own Connected TV channel, too!

The beauty of Connected TV is much like the early days of YouTube: if you got in early it was fair game. Everyone had equal footing — whether you were Mr. Nobody recording video in your basement or a major studio distributing a TV show, commercial or movie trailer — it all had the same chance of success. And if you stuck with it, and produced regular content, regardless of your size or resources, you ultimately made money (some more than others).

Today your video only gets lost on YouTube, unless you’ve got big bucks, big subscribers, or you’re lucky enough to go viral. (But even “viral” is all about business now.)

With Connected TV, once again everyone is on the same footing. You can launch a channel from the desk in your bedroom — in your underwear — and have it competing head-to-head with major brands and TV or movie studios in a matter days. If your content is good, you can even surpass them! And if your content is good AND you can keep it coming, keep it fresh and flowing, you can earn a FORTUNE with it.

This is happening right now, everywhere.

People just like YOU are making BIG MONEY with Connected TV channels, particularly on Roku — the largest of the Connected TV platforms.

So once again, if you’re an artist or performer, businessperson, educator, coach or trainer, brand manager or anyone else with content to share and/or you can produce content that’s interesting, unique, compelling, or educational, then WE NEED TO TALK.

Don’t hesitate another minute. If you do, your niche may already get filled.

Connected TV is growing faster than the Web ever did. Get in while you can. Stake your claim NOW.

Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Samsung Smart TV, Opera, TiVo, Android — OUTRAGEOUS PROFITS AWAIT.

Call my office at 865–282–3031 or email me anytime at Let’s open up a conversation RIGHT NOW about building YOUR TV Channel!

— P.

Phil Autelitano is founder and CEO of Mediarazzi, we develop, produce and monetize TV channels and content for Roku and Connected TV.

Download Phil Autelitano’s FREE 65-page PDF Report, “Launch Your Own Roku TV Channel” at

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Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing

a/k/a Phil Italiano, Publisher, Screw Magazine | | @PhilAutelitano