How to Sell Your Movie (or TV Show) to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and Others.

Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing


Not a day goes by where I don’t get an email or call from a filmmaker who wants to sell their movie to Netflix or Hulu. I’ll address Hulu in another article, but for now, let’s focus on Netflix. With more 75 million subscribers, Netflix is now a television powerhouse; many a filmmaker’s wet dream. It only makes sense to want to distribute your film to the largest fastest-growing subscriber-base on Television, via Connected Television — the widest, fastest growing new technology market since the Internet. What filmmaker wouldn’t want their film in that market?

In this day and age of technology, there are more ways than ever to get your film out there, but two places still remain Holy Grail sacred — the movie screen and the television screen. Connected TV — through devices like Roku and Apple TV, and through people like me who develop channels and content for those devices — has lowered the bar tremendously when it comes to the TV screen, but even still, channels on those devices (other than Netflix and Hulu and Amazon Instant) don’t see anywhere near as many eyeballs as Netflix itself does. So while getting your film up on Connected TV is easy —shit, with just $5000, I can get your film out to 100 million viewers on Connected TV platforms AND have you earning money with advertising in less than a week — getting your film…



Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing

Author of "Smart Enough to Know It, Dumb Enough to Do It" available on Amazon and other fine booksellers.