On Connected TV, Content Remains King!

Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing
2 min readApr 9, 2015

It used to be when sitting around the office or hanging out with friends someone would get talking about a TV show and the first question inevitably was “What channel is that on?” Today however, with advent of SO MANY ways to access television (or other) content, the new question is often, “Is that on Netflix?” or “Hulu?” or “Roku?” or fill-in-the-blank with your favorite Connected TV platform.

While having access to content in so many different ways is great for the end viewer, for the content creator/owner.producer or broadcaster this creates new challenges in effectively managing and monetizing their content. So many platforms, so little time. So where do you start?

The best place to start is with an experienced Connected TV consultant who can help you SQUEEEEEEZE the most money out of your content using as few additional resources as possible. The key is to leverage what you already have. You need to be resourceful. You need to keep it all within budget — not just the money-budget, but within the time-budget as well.

An expert consultant can formulate a plan for monetizing and distributing your content across all the right platforms. Notice I said, “all the RIGHT platforms” — not ALL the platforms. The key here is the RIGHT ones — the ones that will earn your content the most money; that will provide you the biggest Return On Investment (ROI).

Because when it all comes down to it, THAT is what it’s all about — the bottom line.

Success in Connected TV is not just about developing channels. While it’s true your own channel can earn you a lot of money, in many cases, you can earn more distributing your content via already-established channels! Or some combination of both.

The beauty of marketing/distributing CONTENT is in it’s flexibility; it’s easily MAXIMIZED. You can create it ONCE then distribute the hell out of it for as long as it’s relevant, and often times with little to no updates going forward.

That’s why years ago in the newspaper industry we had a saying, “Content is King.” Years later, through the growth of the Internet, it was STILL King. And now with Connected TV, it doesn’t matter whether it’s text or video content, content is content, and Content Remains King!

All that said, if you don’t have a Connected TV plan in place for YOUR content, you’re already missing out on A LOT of money. Start looking into ways to distribute your content — whatever it may be — via Connected TV. You may be surprised to discover that you’ve been sitting on a GOLD MINE and didn’t even know it!

I see it every day.

— P.

Phil Autelitano is founder and CEO of Mediarazzi. We develop TV channels for Connected TV platforms like Roku, Amazon Fire TV, OperaTV, Smart TV and more. www.mediarazzi.com




Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing

a/k/a Phil Italiano, Publisher, Screw Magazine | www.screw.wtf | @PhilAutelitano