TechShack: Out-Apple-Storing the Apple Store.

An Open Letter to RadioShack.

Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing


Dear RadioShack,

You had a chance like 20 years ago to become the “TechShack” (or something similar) but you blew it.

Your name is outdated.

Your concept is outdated.

Your stores don’t carry much, and what they do carry, with a few exceptions is a bunch of crap toys and useless stuff. Do you even sell radios anymore? Do they even make them anymore??

No one needs to go to YOU to buy all that do-it-yourself electronic crap anymore when they can get it all online. Gizmos, switches, plugs, adapters, wires, solder , cables— seriously, is THAT your business??

Everything else is cheaper somewhere else.

I buy my batteries at Wal-Mart because they’re $2-3 cheaper.

I bought a phone charger for $9.95 at Kroger the other day because yours was $10 more.

I bought a Samsung phone from Best Buy for a full $100 less — not even on sale!

What YOU need to be doing right now is becoming the Un-Apple Store. You obviously can’t compete on price, but there’s still a chance you can compete on coolness and quality of service.

You could seriously Out-Apple-Store the Apple Store by applying their same concept but for the rest of us who use Android and PC devices.

Think “Apple Store” but for Samsung, Nokia, and all the other brands whose users would appreciate that level of service and that sort of royal treatment. I’m sure those brands would be on-board with you, too.

The Apple Store concept has proven to be the best thing to happen to retail since Piggly Wiggly and the “self-serving store.”

If not YOU, someone else will do it. Unfortunately, you need to do something or you’re doomed.

— P.

Phil Autelitano is founder/CEO of Mediarazzi — we develop TV channels and content for Roku. @PhilAutelitano



Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing

a/k/a Phil Italiano, Publisher, Screw Magazine | | @PhilAutelitano