The Rule of Seven: Concentrating Your Efforts to Fuel Your Success.

Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing
10 min readJan 31, 2017


Throughout history, no number has had more divine meaning attributed to it than the number 7. Christians believe in the seven days of Creation, God rested on the 7th day, the Seven Virtues, seven loaves equaled seven baskets full, the seven last sayings of Jesus on the cross, and more. Hindus believe in the seven universes, the seven seas, the seven gurus. Muslims believe in seven heavens and seven hells. Jews believe in Shiva (means 7) — or seven days of mourning, the seven blessings recited under the chuppah during a marriage ceremony and the seven days of festivity after the wedding. Japanese mythology has the Seven Lucky Gods, and Taoism the seven colors and the seventh element. Music (more or less my religion), in its entirety, is based on 7 primary notes comprising seven harmonic modes. Even the Great Pyramid — one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World — is comprised of a series of 7’s turned sideways. And so on. If you were to Google the divine meanings behind the number 7, you’d find hundreds more. Then, there’s MY Rule of Seven…

My Rule of Seven is simple. It’s what I teach my kids. It’s what I’ve taught myself, based on something I learned from one of my mentors, and it’s what I expect from myself and those I employ. It’s not seven rules, it’s one rule about seven things. See, I believe that in everything we do, to…



Phil Autelitano
Business & Marketing

a/k/a Phil Italiano, Publisher, Screw Magazine | | @PhilAutelitano