‘Raya The Last Dragon’

Valuable Lessons from Disney’s ‘Raya The Last Dragon’ Movie

Give ‘them’ a second chance, and you will see the magic unfold

Abhay Paliwal
Business Mind Cafe


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I have always been a fan of Disney movies, not just because of their technical sophistication and exciting characters, but because their stories always have a strong message.

‘Raya, The Last Dragon,’ is no exception!

There are no spoilers in this article! However, if you have watched the movie already, you’ll be able to relate to these:

Trusting your people empowers them:

It doesn’t sound right somehow, especially if you have trust issues. It’s natural to have a fear of being betrayed or abandoned.

How can trusting people empower them?

The movie was able to land the point that trusting individuals gives them a sense of responsibility and ownership. It makes them feel worthy of that trust you established with them, and this empowers them with self-belief and confidence to do things bigger than themselves. Next time you have trust issues, remember, people, are generally kind. No one is born a deceiver, after all!

Give people a second chance:

Be it a friend or an enemy, people make mistakes. They do screw up at times. One deed or act should not decide the fate of your relationship. Sometimes the value of a relationship is more than our egos, and giving them a second chance only makes the relationship stronger. Relationships Matter!

Courage can take you places:

Uncertain times test our resilience. We are not defined by our failures but by our courage and character. Victory is just a bi-product.

Keeping Faith and Confidence in your instincts:

Have you ever felt lost when chasing your dream? How many times did you feel like giving up mid-way? But, when you are battling with your mind, there is something inside you driving you forward. I call it instinct, that inner voice, which makes us stand up again. In that scene, when Raya almost gives up, faith and confidence are what changed the game.

Bottom line:

Disney again exceeded my expectations regarding the animation, visuals, voice acting, action sequences, characters, and messages.

Next time you have trust issues, don’t forget Raya!



Abhay Paliwal
Business Mind Cafe

Product Specialist at Google (Los Angeles). He has 12 years of rich professional experience working for start-ups and silicon valley giants.