My Conversation with Dave Delaney of New Business Networking

How truly relevant information helps you not just connect with the people you meet, but actually relate by Bhavin Shah

Refresh, Inc.
Business Networking
2 min readApr 7, 2014


Back in February, Dave Delaney wrote in his column in The Tenesseean: “Refresh is an app unlike any other, because it provides you with enough details about a person to start a conversation. It is the ultimate icebreaker tool.”

Dave Delaney

Dave has written extensively about networking on his blog and in his book New Business Networking. Reading his article I could see he really gets what we’re trying to do. He recently invited me to be a guest on his New Business Networking podcast, where we talked about my inspiration for Refresh and the ways people use the app to spark conversations and build relationships with the people they meet. I really enjoyed our conversation, implied “Terminator” references notwithstanding!

Below are a few highlights from the podcast:

On the diplomatic mission that inspired the idea for Refresh: I learned that “Success was about connecting with people, (it) was about building trust, about building relationships…”

What I learned from world leaders’ use of briefing books to connect and engage with the people they meet: “Productivity and getting things done wasn’t about having a To Do List, a calendar… this dossier, this briefing book… world leaders have realized this is how you connect, this is how you get things done.”

Why creating shared understanding with the people we meet is important: “We’re wired…as a species…we want to feel comfortable and we want the person we’re speaking to to feel comfortable.”

How our awesome users take the opportunity to shape what’s possible in their use of Refresh: “Almost universally, people who use the app immediately get the context and immediately get the value.”

On the future of Refresh: “We are going deeper with our insights. More content, deeper connections, showcasing more talking points, which are not always obvious for people.”

If you have a few minutes we’d love for you to take a listen to learn more about Refresh and get to know Dave , who really knows his stuff!

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