Meet a Member: Alejandro Trujillo

Business of Purpose
Business of Purpose
2 min readJun 7, 2021

Alejandro joined the BoP community last month. With a background in corporate law, he is an International Attorney with experience in Commercial Law, Intellectual Property, and Corporate Governance. He is also the Executive Director of CAMINNOS, social entrepreneurship, and impact investing organization focused on generating the right development in Rural Areas. Alejandro has helped more than 3000 families from rural areas through this business development organization to create social enterprises and community-owned companies in the Fuel Supply sector, generating socioeconomic development in their territories. CAMINNOS is also an ASHOKA affiliate, a non-profit organization that identifies and supports the world’s leading entrepreneurs in their efforts to build an “everyone a changemaker world.”

This is how Alejandro describes his purpose:

“I work redefining the role of communities at the base of the pyramid, from passively receiving government handouts to becoming commercial actors by owning shares in assets like gas stations along newly built roads. The community earns income from this ownership and, since each family in the community owns one share, it encourages them to come together and decide which investments are most needed by the community, from schools, to soccer fields, to another gas station. This in turn contributes to a change in their mindset, making a society used to living day-by-day start thinking about the long term, gain visibility and participation in the process of building their future, and become a new actor within the social business ecosystem.”

When asked about his reason for joining the community, this is what he had to say:

“To contribute to a global movement of purpose driven companies, being a social entrepreneur and Ashoka fellow, I’ve witnessed the power of networks to cause systemic changes. I want to be part of a global community of entrepreneurs daring to take the road less traveled.”

Learn more about Alejandro here.

