Meet a Member: Charlotte Piller

Business of Purpose
Business of Purpose
2 min readAug 23, 2021

Today we would love to introduce you to one of our more recent additions, Charlotte Piller! Based in Berlin and Copenhagen, she is the founder of Lotta Ludwigson — a circular, regenerative and fair fashion brand that offers the first 100 percent compostable suit for women.

“Lotta Ludwigson focuses on high-quality clothing with timeless designs and eco-friendly materials, made locally in the EU under fair working conditions. Lotta Ludwigson is based on a circular economy business model. This means, that clothes that are no longer used can be returned to us and can be given a new life with another customer. By doing so, the use phase of each garment can be extended.”

With a background in entrepreneurship, sustainability and textiles Charlotte recognizes the urgency of fundamentally changing the way we design, produce, and use our clothes. This is of utmost importance, as the fashion industry is responsible for 10 % of annual global carbon emissions, more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.

When it comes to what Charlotte believes is today’s biggest problem in business she explains,

“Most of them are based on false assumptions about endless growth and unlimited resources. For this reason, our current economic system is based on a linear approach of take-make-waste. This means that resources are taken from nature to make things that eventually end up in waste. As the world’s population grows and resources diminish, this linear way is highly unsustainable and leads to massive negative impacts on the planet and thus on us.”

As for why she joined our community, Charlotte says

“I am very happy to join the BoP community as I am sure that no one can drive the necessary sustainable change entirely on their own. Therefore it feels highly motivating and empowering to be connected to like-minded people that also dedicate themselves to shaping a sustainable future.”

To get to know more about Charlotte, be sure to connect with her here!

