Meet a Member: Rachelle Kuramoto

Business of Purpose
Business of Purpose
2 min readApr 9, 2021

Rachelle joined our BoP community earlier this year. She’s the Vice President and Brand and Content Strategist at Dragon Army, a purpose-driven digital engagement company that helps businesses grow, encouraging them to create opportunities and solve global problems. Rachelle helps companies articulate their impact through the happiness they evoke on the people that matter most to them. She also co-founded Ripples of Hope, a non-profit organization founded in 2019, that exists to empower leaders and mentors to do more good through curriculum, mentoring, and community events.

This is how Rachelle’s personal life and career path are shaped by purpose:

“My personal purpose (To bring out the best in other people so they can achieve their biggest goals) informs how I spend my professional, philanthropic, family, and free time. As a two-time entrepreneur, both companies I started had a missional element. In 2019, I had the opportunity to be acquired by a larger purpose-driven company. I took the chance and am now a leader in an organization that has a complete purpose-built operating system. We are a high-growth agency that sees profit as a purpose and as a means to support purpose greater than ourselves.”

She also has some advice to finding purposeful and meaningful work:

“Don’t settle. Volunteer or serve on boards for causes you care about and get to know the other people, because chances are, that’s the network that is most likely to lead you to a professional role among others who share your commitment.”

Learn more about Rachelle here.

