Gabrialle Romo, From Intern to Stay at Home Web Developer

Gabrialle Romo
Business Optimizer
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2017

My name is Gabrialle Romo , I currently work as a web development intern, which I just started this past January. I’ve been working primarily on demos and data entry.

My journey started back in 2014, I graduated with my BBA with a concentration in Finance/Management, I felt I was accomplished and ready to enter the workforce, but I had a 5 month old which I loved spending my time with and shortly found myself being a stay at home mom! A few years passed and I started to think to myself “What am I going to do?” I love being able to stay home with my children, but I also love mostly all aspects of business, management, sales and data entry. So I thought to myself “Wouldn’t it be nice to find an online company to work for?” I wasn’t sure if there were any possibilities of there being one, but I decided to give it a shot! I came across Business Optimizer, I read into what services they provided and thought wow this is something I would really enjoy and love to give a shot at!

So now here I am doing what I love! Being able to stay home with my kids and working on what I love! I have been able to work directly with Justin Lewis and Deanna Ellis specifically focusing on website demos for businesses and data entry tasks at the moment. My skills have only gotten stronger from day 1. I have been able to grasp everything they have taught me and put those skills to work in such a quick period of time. I feel my knowledge, skills and background in business will only get stronger over time.

I could definitely say this is by far one of the best experiences I’ve had especially working online and being taught all the information I need in order to succeed.

My Goals at Business Optimizer

I would love to help the company grow and achieve great things. I am interested in expanding my knowledge in online marketing and sales as well as working with a team of strong individuals to help grow Business Optimizer. With the knowledge I have and the skills I continue to gain will definitely help me succeed and develop into a great web developer for Business Optimizer.

I continue to look forward to what the future will bring to Business Optimizer.

