Vishal Patel, From Mechanical Engineer to Developer

Vishal Patel
Business Optimizer
Published in
1 min readSep 2, 2017

I’m always trying to learn, and it has gotten to the point where I find myself incessantly googling things. That’s how I began my path in web development.

I graduated from the University of Florida in 2015 after studying mechanical engineering and mathematics and then worked for nearly two years as an engineer. Outside of work I went through tutorials on Codecademy, learning the basics of Python and Ruby among other languages. Then one day I stumbled onto The Odin Project and it blew me away.

The Odin Project is an open source online curriculum full of learning resources and practice projects that aims to teach the fundamentals of full stack development, from HTML to a full on Rails application.

After months of self study I realized that I was far more passionate about this development hobby than I was about my own job!

I was brought on as an intern at Business Optimizer in June 2017 and it has been fantastic. I’ve been exposed to the different sides of the business, not just development, and I have benefited greatly from working with brilliant minds.

I learn so much every day and find myself still incessantly googling things!

