How do you define BPM?

Perspectives on Business Process Management


A quick search on Google for BPM got exactly 15,900,000 results. There are a huge range of definitions or perspectives on what those three letters mean. Business Process Management, Business Process Modeling (with 1 or 2 ‘L’s), Business Process Mapping. A couple of interesting finds were that BPM is the national time clock in China, and possibly more relevant, BPM-Focus is an energy drink sold exclusively in Ireland by Coca Cola.

These different interpretations of BPM are not wrong — they are just different. This could account for some miscommunication and ambiguity between people who genuinely mean the same thing. But there are very different interpretations based on the need or use of the ‘process model’. Incidentally, the term ‘process model’ means just as many different things to different people.

Different strokes for different folks

Processes are clearly critical to the running of an operation so it is important that end users, IT developers, systems integrators as well as risk & compliance managers have a consistent, aligned view of how the business operates. To achieve that alignment it would be ideal if these stakeholders could collaborate over a single source of the truth as regards process. The way to achieve that would presumably be to have one integrated process model, which includes all of their requirements. Is this possible? A short conversation with each of them will quickly reveal that their interpretations of what should be in a process model and how they’d use it are quite divergent.

The risk is that when these individuals discuss processes and process models they naturally assume that the others in the conversation have exactly the same understanding. Everyone leaves the meeting thinking that they are in complete agreement, but then are horribly confused when they act differently.

I’m reminded of the HSBC different points of view advertising at airports:

“The more you look at the world, the more you realize that people look at things from a different perspective”

We often witness these confused and confusing conversations at clients. We spend our time worrying about process efficiency, process governance and adoption, we felt it was important to spend some time to try to understand the root cause of the confusion and help people understand the needs and perspectives of the other stakeholder groups.

What color is your hat?

After considerable discussion with numerous clients we came to the conclusion that there were four main audiences who need to share an organization’s business processes model. To make this simpler to articulate (and we’ve used this technique in workshop situations), we decided to give each audience group a different colored hat — Orange, white, blue and red. Here’s how it goes.

Orange Hat

End users (or business users)

End users (or business users) want to use the process model for staff training and point-of-need support when they are unsure how to conduct a task. The process model needs to include (or link to) detailed work instructions, forms, templates, systems and performance metrics. In this respect the process model acts as a powerful knowledge management resource. The process model is the starting point for all manner of business performance improvement initiatives.

Now that hat may be on ‘sideways’ as in service based organizations the average age of employees is under-30 — Gen Y or the iPod generation. These are the frontline staff who touch the customers day in day out. It may be important to bear this in mind before deciding what kind of process content to inflict on this audience.

White Hat

The IT department

The IT department want to understand the business users’ view of the operation to ensure that the IT systems they build and maintain truly support the business users, at minimum cost. They want to ensure that there is integrity of information as it flows around the systems.

Blue Hat

The IT system providers

The IT system providers and the project teams who implement such systems want to ensure that the configuration of their system is managed accurately and that it hangs together end-to-end i.e. passes System Testing and User Acceptance Testing. In short, that it meets the users’ needs.

Red Hat

The risk and compliance officers

The risk and compliance officers want to be able to demonstrate to auditors that end users are following a documented process and that the correct risk control points have been identified and are effectively managed from a governance, ownership and auditing standpoint.

It is generally accepted that not every activity in a company can be automated. Manual activities are open to the free will and inconsistencies of the individuals performing them. What may be surprising is the relative percentage of automated vs. manual. SAP’s own research suggest 80/20–80% manual. This figure is consistent with Microsoft’s findings. And these are companies who would like to see the automation percentage higher. I speak on the conference circuit regularly since my book Common Approach, Uncommon Results was published. Consistently the audiences agree that these proportions are roughly correct for their enterprises.

Those in IT realize that processes are critical to understanding how to support the operation. However process documentation created from an IT perspective is generally too complicated and unpopular with end users. What end users want is to have ‘guided walkthroughs’ with the relevant screens, documents or work instructions fed to them in the right sequence and context. That is represented by the diagram with the ‘wiggly’ yellow line. For an end user, a process flows between manual as well as automated activities. Automation (provided by ERP transactions and other systems) are most easily understood when explained in the context of the full end-to-end business process. But why is the line broken?

Because most process mapping exercises are IT orientated, the detailed process descriptions are of the automation, but the descriptions of the manual activities are sketchy and incomplete. Worse, the process content is not normally published in such a way that end users can easily find process and related information relevant to their role. As a consequence end users often don’t find or don’t understand process information which can help them in their job.

In any case, most have in the past found the process content hard to understand, so now they do not even bother to look. As a consequence the most common cause of process breakdown is human, though people are usually very willing to lay the blame for poor performance on the “new IT system”.

Why should we worry?

“Process models are only some arcane definition of the business described in boxes and lines on a hopelessly complicated diagram”, may be the opinion of many business users, probably because they had imposed on them a process model designed by and principally for the IT function.

An alternative view is that the process knowledge of the organization is the most valuable intellectual asset, which should be captured, nurtured and governed to maximize corporate performance. Think of it as the “DNA of the organization”

If you were a Store Manager in the high street and admitted to your Area Manager that you had no idea what stock you had in the store, how much was damaged or out of date — what would your career plan look like? Pretty short. Treating your business processes as a critical asset should demand that you safeguard, nurture and use that information. But independent research shows that information workers typically spend over 20% of their time looking for accurate information (documents, systems, work instructions) to be able to execute a task. This can result in systems being used incorrectly, manual workarounds and out of date documents or forms being used — all resulting in waste, frustration and a risk of compliance failure. These manual activities present many challenges including standardization, enforcement, control and performance monitoring because people do not work with the untiring consistency of a computer. They have free will and initiative.

Learning to Share

If all four audiences are going to collaborate, there’s a need to avoid diagrammatic mayhem. By which I mean, for a particular process, recording every requirement of all four audiences in a single diagrammatic format would result in information overload. This would ultimately compromise everyone’s ability to understand it, and each of the four audiences would quickly return to working in their silo.

So how can the four audiences learn to work together on a shared understanding of their business processes? The most likely way to make this succeed is to have a common denominator, and that should be a simple diagrammatic notation format which all four audiences can understand. Clearly that has to be the business (“Orange hat”) view of process as that’s 90% + of the audience, and all four stakeholder groups can understand it.

So how do we integrate the needs of the other three audiences (IT, Systems Providers and Risk & Compliance), into this simplified view of process? Their requirements can be overlaid on the business view of process, by using three techniques:

  • Attached information — links to information (documents, forms, policies, work instructions) can be added to objects on a process diagram, without complicating the fundamental diagram with arcane shapes and clutter.
  • Cross reference links — can be added between objects in the process model and corresponding technical systems (such as ERP system, workflow system, software configuration environment and so forth). These can if necessary be cross references between the business view of a process activity and the technical view of that activity from an automation perspective, for example links to a technical process flow held in a process automation system.
  • Personalization — by showing or hiding the attached information and links according to each user’s needs via group membership, the diagrams remain simple, uncluttered and easily understood for the majority (business) audience, yet full featured for each of the other three audiences.

So, rather than the diagram appearing more complex it provides contextual access to extra information, and each audience can satisfy their requirements without compromise. The Orange hat perspective of process acts as the unifying hub and other process views and systems are connected to that, potentially providing the glue across more than one type of business process application. This approach will stop the power battle which seems to surface between business and IT in which both parties seem to assume that the process model is a single entity to be fought over.

What is critical is that the core business process model and connected information systems are managed in parallel, so that they stay synchronized. For example a Orange activity, such as Raise Invoice, needs to be related to a white activity Raise Invoice, and a blue SAP transaction VF01 — Create Billing Document, and red control point Raise Invoice. Each group (white, blue, orange and red) has a shared responsibility for keeping their elements up to date, with a software application automatically maintaining the cross linkages.

This puts stringent demands on any business process management application that is going to be able manage potentially multiple models and cross linkages. In choosing a single application it may require some of the more detailed requirements of each group to be compromised, but there are some core requirements you’ll need to insist on: ease of modeling, management of relationships, an auditable governance cycle, multiple views controlled by access rights and scalability to service all of your users — potentially every employee and selected 3rd parties.

So what are the conclusions or takeaways from this?

  • There are 4 audiences — with different needs & perspectives.
  • Each audience needs to respect and accommodate all 4 views.
  • All 4 audiences need to collaborate and therefore need a common understanding of process and how they are modeled.
  • That common model may need some compromises but has to be understood by all 4 audiences. Therefore it has to use a language business (90% of the audience) will understand.
  • Governance and cross linkage capabilities are critical requirements or the 4 audiences will diverge.

This argues for one multifaceted process model, which links to related systems and information which supports all 4 audiences; but is grounded on a visualization of processes which business users can easily understand. If that’s correct, it confirms why there’s a ‘B’ in BPM.

So the next time you think that you are in violent agreement about BPM — step back, look up and take a look at the hat the other person is wearing.



Frank J. Wyatt
On Business Process Management and Workflow Automation

Tallyfy is beautiful, cloud-native workflow software that enables anyone to track business processes within 60 seconds. I work as a consultant there.