Pros and Cons of PNMSoft — with a PNMSoft Alternative

This is about the strengths and weaknesses of PNMSoft BPM along with a viable alternative for PNMSoft (Tallyfy). Much of it is borrowed from Gartner, with some portions edited and cleaned up.

Please note this disclaimer. I’m affiliated with Tallyfy — a workflow and BPM platform which differentiates through incredible ease-of-use, customer-facing features and flexibility to drive adoption in modern teams.

PNMsoft, a Microsoft .NET-based platform, has further improved its position as consistently being one of the niche Players. PNMsoft’s ability to execute is driven by its HotChange capability, strong CRM integration and regional implementation partners. This analysis pertains to the PNMsoft Sequence version 7.10. As of July 2016, PNMsoft was acquired by Genpact, a global provider of business process outsourcing and digital transformation solutions.

Strengths of PNMSoft BPM

  • The Sequence HotOperations portal provides runtime decision support based on real-time data for KPIs, combined with impact analysis on running operations. This allows the end user to make operational changes to the allocation and prioritization of cases, processes or resources at runtime. This feature supports the data timeliness, contextual granularity and actionabilit dimensions of the Gartner Process IQ Framework.
  • Repeatedly, PNMsoft provides a good alternative for starting small with less sophisticate requirements, and then growing with the BPM maturity of the organization. This is based on it entry-level pricing strategy with a wide range of pricing options and its cloud focus. This will result in a rightsized approach to leverage the more complex iBPMS capabilities without outgrowing the organization’s maturity.
  • PNMsoft has a number of good customer references that leverage IoT in the manufacturing and health industries.

Weaknesses of PNMSoft BPM

  • Although all customer references surveyed by Gartner indicated they would recommend the product to other companies and PNMsoft largely met their expectations, compared to other vendors evaluated in this research, the customer references reported some lower levels of satisfaction with the performance and ease of use of the platform. Also, compared to the other vendors we evaluated, customer references surveyed by Gartner indicated a greater dependency on IT developers.
  • Although the Genpact acquisition promises to have positive impact on PNMsoft’s ability to market, sell and implement toward a broader customer base and to better support customers’ digital transformation needs, it is too early to establish the full impact of the acquisition on PNMsoft’s ability to execute.
  • The Genpact approach to digital transformation is focused on middle- and back-office business operations, rather than outward-facing digital business and business moment scenarios.

Alternative to PNMSoft — Tallyfy

Problem — old BPM makes modelling complicated

A great alternative to PNMSoft would be the ability to model processes simply. Just because you have some big BPMN model doesn’t make you clever or useful. In the end, people can/will still have to actually do the process, which comes down to email/spreadsheets (unless you want a 6-month IT project). It’s simply ridiculous to use BPMN in today’s age — where people collaborate and don’t follow flowcharts anyway. Any alternative to PNMSoft must entirely remove the use of flowcharts and in particular — BPMN. Unlike what you’ve heard about BPMN — it’s not a “standard” at all — as each vendor creates their own flavor of it. This makes the much-touted “standard” and “portability” aspect of it next to impossible to achieve.

Tallyfy uses simple lists that still have all the features of flowcharts

Problem — just IT and process analysts map processes. Managers crave real power to map a process themselves

Tallyfy is the only tool that enables collaboration amongst any kind of role/person — since most people understand the simplicity of the tool in 60 seconds. The alternative to PNMSoft is not really an alternative at all — it’s an inevitable switch.

Tallyfy enables anyone to collaborate on documenting a process

Problem — nobody looks at process maps. You need your processes to be in simple, executable list format

This means you need workflow software like Tallyfy that actually provides that simplicity, along with the power you need.

Please — let’s drop flowcharts and BPMN — it’s totally broken and useless

Consider a beautiful alternative to PNMSoft — Tallyfy

It integrates to everything, and it actually works for everyone.

Take a look at a video demo of Tallyfy below, as a viable, user-friendly alternative to PNMSoft.



Frank J. Wyatt
On Business Process Management and Workflow Automation

Tallyfy is beautiful, cloud-native workflow software that enables anyone to track business processes within 60 seconds. I work as a consultant there.