Risks and needs for health and safety technology

In case it helps anyone, this is a listing of rationale, risks and needs for a GRC/health and safety technology implementation at a utility company. I hope you find it useful!

Current Risks & Challenges

  • Safety oversight and governance negatively impacted.
  • All Affiliates have standalone/separate incident reporting databases; Unsupported in the next year; utilizes different 3rd party vendor solutions.
  • No central repository for safety observations, Hazard IDs, reports, documents, records, metrics etc.; currently using excel or paper processes.
  • Inability to standardize process templates (i.e., inspection, audits, etc.)
  • Lack of trending and analysis ability of safety data (i.e., KPIs and root cases) across the company; Limited line of sight on emerging safety issues across the company.
  • Inability to easily provide accurate safety KPI reports to Affiliate/Corporate Executive, Boards and HSE Committee; labor intensive and inefficient process.
  • Poor notification of Injuries and High Potential Incidents; Impacts response activities.
  • Inconsistent platform for safety management standards and policies; ineffective document control.
  • Poor workflow ability; supervisor notifications, assignment and monitoring of corrective actions, audit/compliance check monitoring.
  • Labour intensive follow up communication across multiple departments and affiliates to create redundancy.
  • High use of Excel; looking for other “add on” solutions (eg. tableau).
  • No connection to other departments impacted (i.e., loss control, security, environment, and occupational health, etc.)
  • Notification overload causing critical notices to be lost; lack of system wide notification. (eg. Safety Director receives all safety incident reports from all geographies)
  • Lack of immediate access/upload causes delays in information flow and increases “forgotten” uploads of information.
  • All analysis and visual aids are developed manually
  • Ability to “pull” information is limited; analysis labor intensive and not occurring consistently across the Affiliates.

​Capabilities Desired

  • Integrated system that can be used with all Affiliates across geographies.
  • Integrates and speaks with the various Affiliate HRIS.
  • Modular format; IH, Vehicle, Audit, Incident Investigation, Analytics, JOHS Committee, etc.;
  • Automatic e-populate forms for WCB, OSHA 300 logs; must incorporate risk management principles (i.e., heat map, hazard registers); Incorporates root cause techniques.
  • Real time safety performance reporting (supervisor, Safety Dept., Board); KPI dashboards.
  • System for conducting, storing and following observations, inspections, risk assessments, audits, etc.
  • System for safety program development, document control and records management.
  • Develop, storage and easy retrieval of Corporate and Affiliate programs, standards, procedures, etc.
  • Mobility and technology solutions; field access and usability.; customizable notification system
  • Linkage with LMS (i.e. track training, develop training matrices, and deliver training content (interactive capability required)
  • Integration or linkage of other 3rd party vendor solutions eg. MSDS OnLine, ISN
  • Contractor system including procurement integration and external contractor access to required documents and programs and contractor ability to submit information to be used for metric collection and analysis
  • Available to all employees; easy and intuitive to use
  • Full suite of customizable analysis criteria and outcomes, be able to take raw data and combine in any way to produce broad or focused analysis.
  • Easy/one-click style method of generating a report including visuals and text information to be able to explain the visuals.
  • Multiple export formats including Excel, Word and PowerPoint compatible.
  • Easy to customize/change in the future either on own or with quick, low — no cost support.
  • Be able to “pull” in past data from the older databases for immediate full functionality.



Frank J. Wyatt
On Business Process Management and Workflow Automation

Tallyfy is beautiful, cloud-native workflow software that enables anyone to track business processes within 60 seconds. I work as a consultant there.