Comparative Report on Logistics Companies: UPS & FedEx

Ruby Yang
Business Report Writing
1 min readDec 12, 2018

Our business is going to be expanding globally next year. Therefore, successful cooperation with an international logistics company would become one of the most critical things for our company. This report compares two logistics companies, UPS & FedEx, which are both renowned and enthusiastic about working with our company.


  • Price: higher than the average price of international logistics companies; the price range is around NT$3,000–6,000/per delivery
  • Insurance: not provided
  • Speed: fast (Taiwan-North America by air 3 days/by sea 30 days)


  • Price: higher than the average price of international logistics companies the price range is around NT$5,000–10,000/per delivery
  • Insurance: provided
  • Speed: very fast (Taiwan-North America by air 2 days/by sea 20 days)

In general, even though FedEx is more expensive than UPS, it is better than UPS in terms of insurance and speed of delivery. FedEx offers additional insurance for the shipping of products, which is important for any international company. Therefore, FedEx is suggested to be the ideal choice.

