Incident Report

Business Report Writing
1 min readNov 12, 2018

From: Samuel — Chief Investigator

Date/ time of incident: 9 November, 10:25 a.m.

Details of incident

A scientist was working in lab. 708, and while inventing a new kind of laundry detergent a chemical eruption occurred. Fortunately, his co-workers, Elaine and Echo remained calm and immediately called for an ambulance. The scientist, Mojo Jojo is in the emergency room now at Mac Kay Hospital. His injuries include light facial burns and partial blindness in the left eye. Moreover, the doctor is not too optimistic about the recovery of his eye.


Mojo Jojo was mixing two dangerous chemicals, and didn’t pay attention to the label on the bottle, thus causing an eruption. As he had a pair of safe goggles on, his family believes our company should be held responsible for his injuries.

Action taken

We have viewed the CCTV recordings which can substantiate that the responsibility does not lie with us. All evidence related to this incident has been preserved and documented. Our managers will visit him tomorrow to check on his status. We will also be reiterating the safety rules to our employees.

Group members: Echo, Elaine, Sam

