Incident Report

Chen Yi-hsin
Business Report Writing
1 min readDec 14, 2018

From: the Marketing Manager

Date/Time of incident: 20 November, 13:45

Details of incident:

Two employees, Tyler and Zack, started to fight at the annual budget meeting and got into a scuffle when they had a difference of opinion. Fortunately, the guard stopped the fight and called for an ambulance, which arrived within five minutes. According to the doctor’s report, their injuries include a broken leg, some bruises, and a few scrapes: resulting in them applying for a 3-month sick leave.


Tyler made a racial slur at the annual budget meeting, and admitted to directing it to Zack.

Action taken:

Henry, the Human Resources Manager, has been requested to regularly conduct courses that can help with establishing a more harmonious environment between people at work. In addition, I visited Tyler and Zack at the hospital and have been told that they will recover from their injuries soon.

