Report on Number of People Visiting Company Website

Jeffrey Liao
Business Report Writing
1 min readDec 14, 2018

The aim of this report is to analyze the stream of visitors visiting our company website.

Over the last three months, the number of visitors has increased from 2,300 people to 2,950 people. There are two main reasons for the increase. First of all, we launched a newsletter for subscribers in March, which resulted in a rise by 400 people. Secondly, in May, we ran a competition which went viral and attracted more visitors to our website.

With regard to cost, the cost of banners is 3,200 euros per month, but very few people have visited because of this marketing tool. On the other hand, the newsletter, which is free but time-consuming, has led to a significant growth,

In order to increase this number, first, I would recommend that we reduce the budget spent on banners and run various competitions regularly. Second, create accounts on different social media platforms (e.g. Instagram) instead of only sending emails.

Group members: Hayes, Leon, Jeffery

