Report on the Performance of the New Sales Recruits

Business Report Writing
1 min readNov 8, 2018

This report aims to provide an overview of the performance of the new sales recruits over the last two years.

Based on the analysis conducted last month, there were some issues identified that have been listed below:

1. 12 of the 20 employees didn’t meet the sales target

2. Most of them lack sales experience and a comprehensive technical understanding of our products

However, according to our customer reviews, the other 8 employees not only reached the target, but also achieved 80% customer satisfaction.

In short, it can be started that we hired too many new salespersons to accommodate our company’s rapid growth, but we failed to create a strong intensive training program. Consequently, that affected our sales performance.

It is suggested that we could solve this issue through the following steps:

1. Ask for assistance from the Technical Department and the Human Resources Department

2. Reorganize the training courses and evaluated them every quarter

3. Progress updates are sent to managers twice a year

Group members: Echo, Elaine, Sam

