4 Smart Ways To Earn Bitcoin Online in 2018


Bitcoin(BTC) is hot. The cryptocurrency and technology get more popular. Most people would not know what bitcoin was in 2011, but some cities now have a range of services available for people who are willing to pay with BTC.

When we have more ways to spend the cryptocurrency, the more ways are out there to obtain them.

Let’s look at these 6 ways to earn some BTC online.

1. BTC Mining

The most popular way to earn cryptocurrency is mining. Few years ago, every block mined received 50 BTC to the person who could manage to solve the computational problem in 2009. In 2017, every block can bring 12.5 BTC on average. Although the amount of BTC is less, the reward is still good. There are some issues in the way to earn BTC in 2018:

  • People are getting rewards from using cloud mining services.
  • The expense from mining, such as electricity and utility bills could be expensive.
  • Setting up mining at your home can have a potential risk to damage your computer, i.e. computer overheat and hardware damages

All these factors can make mining bitcoin unprofitable. This can lead us to other ways to earn BTC online.

2. Freelancing Gigs For Cryptocurrency

While mining is getting unprofitable in some ways, you can offer your services to exchange bitcoin. There are plenty of opportunities that will offer one an opportunity to work for the popular cryptocurrency.

Reddit and Coinality offer many opportunities or gigs for the bitcoin. You can earn bitcoin online as a freelancer. Some startups and companies offer an option to have regular BTC payment for the employees. These are great ways to earn some BTC.

3. Selling Your Products For Bitcoin

You can even sell your products for Bitcoin. If you are good at hand-making products, you can accept BTC on your Esty page. You can set up and use your bitcoin address to accept Bitcoin payment on your website.

If you have do retail business, you can even put “Bitcoin Accepted Here” sign at your store.

4. Buy and Hold Bitcoin

Buying and holding Bitcoin is similar to investment. It is one of the effective way to make money. Few reports show that people who owned Bitcoins made huge profits by holding their coins in their wallets. Although the value of coins will increase, it is advisable to hold the coins on an exchange rather than holding it in a wallet only. You can decide to hold your money in certain exchange that gives interest on every deposit.

About the author

Tony Yeung fails to get his Twitter account verified, but he never gives up to write articles on Medium.com

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