The 5 Reasons Salesforce1 Loves ManyWho

A relationship based on customer success

Steve Wood
3 min readFeb 15, 2014

Here’s my account (as an employee of ManyWho!) of why anyone using Salesforce1 will fall in love with the ManyWho platform. If you’re building mobile apps for your business using Salesforce1, this article is for you:

1. Your app is customer facing

The Salesforce1 mobile platform does a great job with employee facing apps. However, when you need to put those apps in the hands of your customers, things get a little more complicated. Salesforce has done a great job extending their APIs and their SDKs, however, you’re still left to write a whole bunch of code. In addition, you need to work out your architecture, integration model and distribution technology all by yourself.

ManyWho allows you to build apps using drag-and-drop tooling, allowing you to build the apps you need without relying on code. In addition, ManyWho provide a fully supported architecture and stack. Let ManyWho worry about mobile distribution and architectural best practices so you can focus on the apps your business needs!

Put simply — ManyWho extends the point-and-click capabilities of Salesforce1. The result? You can build customer facing apps much faster, and fully supported.

2. You want your own icon

Salesforce1 is a kind of “app of apps”, which means any of the employee facing apps you build run inside the Salesforce1 app. If you want your own icon for your app, you need to go back to APIs and code. With ManyWho, you can have your own icon and distribute your app separately. These apps can be built using our drag-and-drop tooling, so no need to call a developer!

This means you can deliver your app to specific customers, partners or employees completely separate from other apps. In addition, if you use any mobile device management technologies, its much easier to lock each ManyWho app down individually.

Put another way — ManyWho frees your app from the Salesforce1 mobile “container” ☺

3. You may need offline/native

The Salesforce1 mobile app is a hybrid/HTML5 app. As a result, if you want to extend the app, you need to write your code as Visualforce web pages. Though this makes it super easy to build new pages for your app, it also means your app will never work offline without a lot of extra coding.

With ManyWho, your apps will work offline using our fully native offline container (iOS, Android, Windows Phone). The even better news is that you don’t need to worry about picking HTML5, hybrid or offline. The ManyWho platform ensures your apps will work across all of those. We do that using the magic of “players” — which is the same approach used by LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. In addition, you apps will work on other devices, such as laptops and desktop machines. So no more “betting” on HTML5.

Or if you were to ask Facebook — they’re not super convinced HTML5 is the future, so make sure you support it, but don’t bet on it!

4. You’re integrating with other systems

Though Salesforce1 has strong technology partners to support integration, most of this is done using data synchronization. Realtime integration means you need to roll up your sleeves and get coding in Apex. With ManyWho, we have deep integration with Salesforce1, of course, but also other cloud providers such as Zuora. In addition, our integration approach allows you to integrate with the technology of your choice, using the language of your choice. So if we don’t support integration with a particular product, you can always extend our platform to work with whatever technology you have.

That’s the power of building an open, API first platform.

5. You love Salesforce just as much as we do

Salesforce share our vision for mobile and we’re proud to be part of the Salesforce family. Salesforce is our first and only investor.

We love Salesforce too.



Steve Wood

Dad, entrepreneur, ☁ platform geek, guitar player, can play well with others, executive