In the past, when organizations introduced computers to their daily work routines, a majority of employees were not very receptive to the idea. Most of them thought it would make their processes more complex and they were better off doing things the old way. On the contrary, employers today may risk an all out mutiny, if employees are asked to complete their tasks without computers.Similar is the case with sales professional’s reluctance to use a Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM). They find CRMs to be complex and cumbersome. Nevertheless, CRM software is the need of the hour. Today’s competitive landscape demands businesses to have a healthy customer relationship with an effectively channelized business workflow. And that is only possible by using a good CRM.Therefore, being the team lead or manager, it becomes your responsibility to motivate your sales team to use a CRM because this is what they need, not what they want.

Following are the ways in which you can keep your sales reps motivated to use a CRM:

1) Invest in a CRM which is tailor made for your team:

The first step is to choose a CRM that complements your businesses’ objectives. There are a number of CRM solutions available. Smart businesses always go for a CRM that streamlines processes, without the unnecessary integrations and features.
Moreover, don’t forget to involve your sales team when selecting a CRM. This will not only help in selecting the optimal solution, but will also bring the sales team on board as, in the end, they will be the ones using it.

2) Provide the necessary training:

Without training, implementing a CRM is like asking a rugby team to play soccer. The sales rep will become frustrated if they don’t understand the system and this will negatively affect their performance.
So an essential part of implementing a CRM is to provide adequate training. Make sure they are trained on the functionality and features. This can be accomplished through several in-house training sessions and by providing e-learning facilities to the reps.

3) Show them the bright side:
It is important that you communicate to your employees their personal benefits in using a CRM. They should be conveyed that it’s not just a management tool which they are forced to use, it has something for them as well. For instance:

  • They’ll get rid of numerous manual tasks by using a CRM, which will give them more time to focus on selling the product. A CRM will automatically fetch contact information through emails and social media communication which the sales rep had to do manually in the past.
  • They’ll be more efficient since a CRM will automate a lot of their tasks like sending follow-up emails to customers and scheduling reminders and meetings.
  • They will be more organized because a CRM will take care of all the customer information and the sales history. This will not only ensure that they do not lose important information but also keep it organized in one place.

4) Allow some Freedom:

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Phillips Campbell
Business Daily: Startups, Business Development, Management

Enjoy the art of transforming ideas into creative informative writing piece. Try to highlight magical secrets of CRM revolution in the business world.