Journal of B&B (3)

Mission impossible? Well, I guess it is possible…

Cover or originate a song and make a MV! Be creative!

What a concise mission instruction…But, Let’s do it!!

Satuarday mourning

our group met in school to discuss about the song. We decided to cover Don’t form Ed sheeran. Meanwhile, as Eleanor was working in Zinch China, we decided to relate the song to SAT in order to let Zinch to help us popularize.

We use a whole morning to come up with lyrics, trying to think about all important elements or events or anecdotes in SAT tests.

Then, we recorded our song in the afternoon.

After that, Sunny, as an excellent dancers, choreographed the dancing part and taught us.

Sunday afternoon

We used a whole afternoon and evening record the oral speaking parts’ performance in the MV.

But, yes, we still didn't finish yet…

Monday afternoon

After the school ended, we rushed out to record the MV on the roads of Zhong Guan Cun district. We danced in front of people on the streets. That was awkward! This is the first time that I danced. Sunny and Oscar all felt surprised that I agree to danced with them in front of so many people.

This is our final MV!!! Click in and see it! It’s funny.

If this youtube one doesn't work, try this link:

