CRM marketing is the core stage to determine the success level of your business. This is a proven reality that good marketing effort produces good results and the bad one produces the worse. Keeping the scenario in mind, CRM solutions offer marketing related functionalities and empower its users and customers to amplify marketing efficiency while boost their sales. Some of the tools to make headway are inbuilt while some can be customized.

1. Built-in Solutions:

CRM solutions offer many bang-up tools which can help you initiate and exaggerate marketing efforts. There are two main inbuilt marketing tools that can be found in almost all CRM marketing solutions. These tools are:

  • Email Marketing: Email marketing is an efficacious inbuilt tool of SugarCRM that helps you market your product or service at a massive level with a faster pace. In just one click, you can introduce your offer to a large audience with no apparent cost. All you need to use this tool is: SugarCRM Email account (with Credentials); well-planned campaign and targets list.
  • Newsletters: To maintain existing relationship, CRM offers an effective marketing tool i.e. Newsletter. Using info-educative tone, newsletters boost marketing efforts by driving busy users back to your product. Newsletters provide a quick snapshot of the offer to users. It is a handy tool that can be called a sub-category of Email Marketing. It works somewhat similar to Email campaigns and sends a series of messages.

2. Customizable Solutions:

The list of Customizable solutions in CRM marketing is long and unending as with every passing day, new entries are added. But if we look at the generic classifications, the categories of customizable solutions can be:

  • Non-email based Campaigns: Other than Newsletters and Email Marketing, there are many other customizable tools which can aid your marking efforts. One great example is the “Cellular Marketing” which can be done through CRM’s SMS campaigns or conference calls. One can generate and execute mass level campaigns through CRM with the use of several plugins and these can be MailChimp, Twilio, Asterisk etc.
  • Social Media Integrations: We all are familiar with the importance of social media these days. In most recent CRM solutions, social media connectors are built-in however in some cases, social media platforms are integrated as third party tools with the help of connectors and plugins. The real benefit of social media platform integration is the facility to use CRM as the one-window interface of accessing (and performing) activities on theses platforms. You can post status, news, article or any other informative piece on social media using CRM and pull notifications. Another glory of this customizable solution is the expansion of customers/prospects’ database. You can pull information from these platforms on CRM as well.

Based on our extensive experience working in CRM, we can suggest that the most important thing which facilitates in amplifying marketing efficiency is having a sound knowledge about the usage of these tools. Only then, you can expect great results.

Companies look towards Rolustech for our ability to customize and integrate sales, marketing and support functions with SugarCRM.

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Phillips Campbell
Business Daily: Startups, Business Development, Management

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