How You Can Make One Million Dollars

First of all I am terribly sorry but I can not actually help you achieve that impressive sum that one million dollars is.

After I have defrauded your expectations, please do not think less of me and carry on a little further.

Why do you want one million dollars?

What a stupid question it is, you may wonder, who wouldn’t want to have all that money just to spent on whatever you fancy. But no, let’s really answer this question. So, let me reformulate it:

What would you do with one million dollars?

Well that is a bit more concrete. So let be honest with you, I personally would buy a house, a posh car, some good looking clothes, and take a long vacation. It seems pretty straight forward. Your answer may vary but I suppose it wonder differ much. But I wonder, how much do I need to do those exact things? Well after checking some prices online I come to the conclusion that with two hundred thousand dollars I would be able to do all that I mentioned above. Now my point here is:

How much is one million dollars?

Well, that is quite an hard question to answer because when we try to match it of the common world (number of pounds of vegetables, packs of cigarettes, etc) it soon loses all meaning. So, let me put it other way:

You (mostly likely) will never make you one million dollars

Sorry for ruining your dream when you first began to read this text, but if have an average salary and you saved it to the last penny, assuming that you save it whole, you will never even came close to one million dollars at the of your work life.

So why did you went out of your way to write something with a title that is a lie? What is wrong with you?

You may be thinking this by this point.

When you opened this text you had an expectation of some sort of how you can change your life by having more money, and that is ok. It means you care about your future. However, maybe you should start by rethinking your goals.

Figure out what you actually need and not some imaginary goal that will drain your life

