What You Will Never Hear From Successful People Saying At Work

by Tony Yeung — Originally Published at Apartment Number 2 “What You Will Never Hear From Successful People Saying At Work


Many people want to be successful and would like to change their life.

However, you would never hear successful to say certain things.

Below are 7 things that successful people never say at work.

(1) It is impossible

The greatest innovations came from people pushing their boundaries of what it is possible. Successful people believe that nothing is impossible. They have dreams and set goals. They work hard on something that nobody has been done before.

What You Will Never Hear From Successful People Saying At Work Tony Yeung Top Toronto Marketing Specialist
Nothing is impossible!

There is no Facebook before Mark Zuckerberg developed it. There was no Medium before Ev Williams invented it.

(2) I am not in control

Think about this for a second. If you live in your life, you want to live the best way you can. Nobody else can control over your life. You are the only person to control. Many people say that they are not in control when they get the rejection. They start to think negatively.

Instead of being negative or saying that you are not in control, you need to remind yourself that you are in charge of your own life.

(3) Procrastination: I have time to do that later

Time cannot wait for you. Time goes by quickly. If you think you have time to do things later, you are wasting your time, wasting your energy, or even wasting your life. Successful people would not think in that way.

What You Will Never Hear From Successful People Saying At Work Tony Yeung Top Toronto Marketing Specialist
Get the work done now.

Successful people would not think in that way. They want to get the job done quickly and immediately. Why can’t we move on?

(4) I am too scared because I might fail

Life is a game. We all have the experience of failure. Successful people should be afraid of failure because it is a life lesson, and it is a great motivation. Bill Gates failed many times before he became a billionaire.

(5) I hate this job

Hate is a strong word. Highly successful people are hardly negative about their job and their company. They understand nothing is perfect regardless how small and insignificant their position might be. Their contribution is important. The workplace might be uncomfortable and might have lots of negativity, but successful people always can find a way to resolve the conflict.

What You Will Never Hear From Successful People Saying At Work Tony Yeung Top Toronto Marketing Specialist
Love your job!

(6) I deserve more

You might miss the promotion at work and think that you deserve more. In fact, successful people do not think about how better they are and how they deserve more. They understand that life is unfair and the meaning of successful cannot be measured by any kind of awards.

(7) This is how the work has always been done

Think about Steve Jobs’s case: if he didn’t challenge people to imagine the possibility of using a phone to get work done, would we have the smartphone today?

Successful people challenge the status quo. We cannot innovate anything unless we think outside the box and try something new.

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About the Author

Tony Yeung is a digital marketing specialist and the owner of Apartment Number 2, a consultancy focused on helping entrepreneurs and marketers see results with SEO, social media, and content marketing. Apartment Number 2 has worked with a range of clients from Publishing Company and Medical Company to a new startups.

