We are Ready for 2030. Are You?

Why We Have Chosen Not to Celebrate 2020

Decent Business Strategies & Ideas towards 2030
4 min readNov 27, 2019


© Lumen GmbH

In 2020 Lumen will turn 10, but we won’t celebrate. We don’t want to celebrate ourselves but instead continue to work relentlessly with organizations and corporations to master change and get ready for the challenges of the next ten years. However, our strategy is to focus on a 5-year horizon which we consider attainable.

Why focus on 2025?

In 5 years we have to set the foundations towards 2030 – by then, we will only have another five years to reach the UN Sustainability Development Goals. This is a huge call on individuals as well as it is on organizations and businesses (SDG GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth) as their activities and investments are major drivers of productivity, inclusive economic growth and job creation.

Why Do We Prepare For 2025

  • Millennials have to be prepared to stand up for their leadership in 2030:
    In 2025, the workforce will be up to 75% millennials¹ and there will be a skilled worker shortage of up to 2.5 million² in Germany alone. Organizations are already faced with the dire need of getting the right people on board to run their businesses. With the workforce of the millennials, purpose and clear vision casting will play a major role. And most important: This generation will take the lead towards 2030 and we have to make sure, that we make space and support their way towards a new kind of leadership.
  • The foundations of organizational change towards 2030 have to be settled by 2025:
    In 2025, market and social developments will force businesses and organizations to fully become learning and agile organizations in order to adapt quickly to disruptive market changes. Organizations and their leadership will have to offer creative freedom as a means to enhance innovation, collaboration and co-creation for the development of strategies and solutions without bureaucracy and business overhead.
  • The new normal – major shifts through media:
    In 2025, social and immersive media will become omnipresent³ and continue to disrupt the media market. During the next 5 years, media sovereignty and power will continue to shift from institutions towards individuals. Nobody knows in 2020, what kind of media disruption we will face in 2030, but we can assume it will change the way we interact, learn and communicate in our private and professional environment. Also, we can expect major shifts in various sectors, such as education, health, and others.
  • Connectivity and real-time:
    In the next 5 years, we will see a major shift in real-time connectivity (5G)⁴. Organizations will have to embrace digitalization throughout the organization and along their entire value chain so as to retain their business competitiveness.
  • Shifting economy paradigms:
    Over the next 5 years, we will face a major shift from ownership to shared services⁵, which will lead to an enormous range of new businesses. We will see new paradigms of decentralisation in banking, mobility and other infrastructure services⁶.
  • Tech will rule and data will drive our decisions:
    Over the next 5 years, companies will bet and take on Artificial Intelligence⁷ in all major sectors such as healthcare, government, industry and agriculture.

How Do We Prepare

Lumen’s mission is to help organizations develop strategies and action plans to master change and to help them contribute to the UN’s SDGs in the next 5 to 10 years. We will continue to expand our own entrepreneurship activities and establish various initiatives, corporations and social businesses across Europe, starting with the German and Portuguese markets in 2020. We will use our expertise to help organizations, as well as people engaged within the organization, to follow the path of sustainable business development depending on their environmental contexts.

Agility within an organization is driven by millions of individual decisions. We connect strategy and organizational readiness with meaningful growth for individual change-makers within your company. For truly great companies enable their employees to discover new shores and bring back the excitement to inspire others. Our strategy, therefore, is to help organizations become learning organizations and to develop organizational agility. This is vital in adapting to market trends and mastering inevitable changes.

Our vision is to establish a network through our clients and partners from over a hundred socially responsible and engaged organizations who on a larger scale prioritize sustainable economic growth above all else.

Are You With Us

Organizations have many roles to play and many responsibilities to fulfill. There is more to running a business than simply profiting. At Lumen, we believe it is the responsibility of every individual, every group, every entity to ensure the health and continuity of human life. We recognize ourselves as a corporation, and with that comes the understanding that we ought to contribute our quota to the United Nations’ SDGs through the services we render.

It is our desire that those who work and partner with us in one form or the other also categorically incorporate this into their mission statements as fundamental. There is certainly a lot to do and we can only hope that you come on this journey with us for the sake of our planet.



Decent Business Strategies & Ideas towards 2030

Since 2010 Lumen is a collective of creative minds and strategists, pushing organisations towards a new vision of economy, #newwork and #socialresponsibility