Why You Should Learn To Live Your Life Beyond A Miracle

We are more than just a living miracle.

Vivek Naskar
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Most of us choose what we are accustomed to. I’ve seen people get hurt over and over, decide to conform or compromise, select to be subjugated or serve, not because they want to, but it’s what they are used to, and they don’t know anything beyond that. They are so accustomed to recognizing a certain pattern as normalcy that they fail to see anything else beyond that.

A woman lived her entire life in one small house. The details are vague, but at around age 70, she started writing books. She has had four published books about her small village. I think she is in her 90s now. She had no regrets about her experiences. It might sound rude of me, to say that she never has known the joy of living large.

If she had started her life differently, she might have regretted her life. The point I am making here is not that she had no choice of where she was born. Just what, we almost always choose what we are accustomed to instead of living a life that may be larger or happier.

Me, you, we all are living miracles, but we take it for granted. Sometimes we overlook the fact that there is so much more to the joys of life we may be used to living. Look at your life, re-evaluate, reiterate and live a life full of joy, of just…

