How to Fill in the Business Model Canvas?

Matthias Orgler
Business to the Moon
7 min readFeb 5, 2018


The Business Model Canvas is a simple tool to create, analyze and optimize business models. It’ easy to grasp and understand. If you don’t know it yet, learn about it in my Udemy video course (you get 75% off currently!).

One of the first questions when starting with the Business Model Canvas is:

How do I fill it in? Where do I start? What do I put here?

Looking at the Business Model Canvas the first time can be overwhelming

This article will tell you where to start, in which order to proceed and what to put into the fields.

A Simple Trick

Before we dive into the order in which to fill in the business model, let me give you this little trick to understand the layout instantly.

Think of the the Business Model Canvas as divided into two large areas:

  • the right half represents the part of your business facing the customer
  • the left half holds everything you need to have or do in order to provide the right half

I like the metaphor of a theater stage: the right half is the front stage facing the audience, the left side is the back stage where the magic is created.



Matthias Orgler
Business to the Moon

Agile Coach, Business Innovator, Software Engineer, Musician