Integrated Marketing Structure — Business in 2021 Are Switching to Advanced Model

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3 min readAug 10, 2021


While intending for flexibility and scalability in this evolving market, almost 66% of brands now have a centralized marketing structure in place.

Marketing leaders today are developing their teams via augmented centralization to meet the evolving market demands. Now, an integrated system helps build a more flexible and resilient business structure.

Most brands are still struggling to choose between a mix of centralizing and decentralizing resources. A new research study the Gartner Marketing Organization Survey 2020, reveals that an increasing number of marketing decision-makers highly prefer a centralized marketing approach amid the pandemic. The report has surveyed more than 400 marketing experts to analyze the on-going market sentiments and patterns across different industries. About 66% of the marketing teams from various businesses are entirely or primarily centralized today.

As explained by Chris Ross, VP Analyst at Gartner Marketing practice in a blog post — “Marketing leaders have long been chasing the ‘perfect’ marketing organizational structure, hoping that the right one will help them realize greater value and scale from their organizations.”

Hence, an increasing number of marketing agencies are actively centralizing resources for more scalable shared services to accomplish this. Without any doubt, this innovation is allowing support for a distinct, modern marketing discipline.

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In fact, the resources that have been decentralized to other organizational entities or regions are also being centralized and consolidated. According to the report, roughly 79% of CMOs are not seeking any new products or services and instead focusing on the current markets to drive growth amid the global crisis.

This re-arrangement of resources is backing to the fully centralized models — wherein every expert marketing task is primarily a centralized model or entity. Most of the marketing professionals are integrated with limited staff circulated to business units or locations.

The study also finds that companies with a marketing operations leader are likely to have a completely centralized structure (about 35%), while without it is about 23%. Indeed, the organizational commitment to place a marketing leader represents a meaningful investment within the operational marketing process.

Chris Ross added, “Marketing operations teams frequently operate in a shared services model, creating a natural gravitational pull toward a more centralized organizational alignment.”

The perks of such alignments include enhanced effectiveness and productivity. It also involves marketing control or governance improvements and managing the brand, messaging, and customer touch strategy. And today, marketing professionals are more focused on meeting the growing need for better competency.

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Basically, exploring the latest organizational evolution is essential as resource patterns could organically be driving centralization. Moreover, assessing the marketing governance and controlling risk factors to the business should be followed depending on the present model.

The industry experts believe that more decentralized systems where more individuals have higher autonomy could result in organizational risk. Clearly, the pandemic has accelerated the evolution of marketing operations with the usefulness of martech to scale a centralized organization.

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