How Human Resources Can Contribute to the Success of an Organization

Louis Deryfus
Published in
7 min readSep 5, 2022
Human Resources

Human Resources (HR) has many facets that require skill and knowledge. These areas include employee retention, compensation and benefits, and work-life balance. These elements of an effective HR strategy can contribute to the success of an organization. To be successful in HR, you must be a team player who earns the trust and respect of your business stakeholders.

Employee retention

Employee retention is a critical component of an effective human resource management strategy. There are several factors that lead to high employee retention rates, including organizational culture, employee communication, organizational strategy, pay and benefits, flexible work schedule, and career development systems. For example, researchers have explored how perks like health coverage and vacation time influence employee loyalty and satisfaction. One study by Maccoby (1984) found that employees who were satisfied with their pay and benefits were more likely to stay with the company.

Employees want to feel appreciated for their work. This doesn’t mean the paycheck they receive each week, but recognition for a job well done. Recognition from supervisors fosters a sense of belonging. Employee retention strategies should make this a positive experience. To achieve this goal, consider thinking of the onboarding process from two perspectives: the employee’s perspective, and the company’s perspective.

The study also examined the relationship between the demographic characteristics of employees and the likelihood of turnover intention. It used a descriptive survey to identify the effects of human resource management methods on turnover intention. Among 380 employees at Payame Noor University in Kermanshah Province, 191 respondents were surveyed. A Cochran formula was used to identify the characteristics of a representative sample of employees.

One of the best practices for solving problems in the human resources department involves anticipating problems and developing a plan in advance. The plan should include training and programs. It should be a continuous process, and the HR department should remain vigilant and aware of problems as they arise. Ultimately, this strategy is worth the effort.


One of the most important aspects of human resources is compensation. This includes wages and benefits. Good compensation programs encourage employees to stay with the company. Not only do they increase employee morale, but they also show a company’s values. After all, employees are the company’s most important asset! A good compensation package will help you compete in the market.

The compensation varies by job title, skill level, and the risk involved in the position. In addition to wages and salaries, organizations may also offer benefits and share profits among workers. This is referred to as profit sharing or gainsharing. Both of these programs reward employees for productivity improvements. If you are unsure how to properly calculate compensation, consult an HR professional.

Human resource compensation is a fundamental part of talent management and is a major factor in an employee’s choice of employer. Moreover, compensation is a primary motivator of performance and satisfaction. The more money and benefits an employee receives, the more likely they are to stay with the company and perform at a high level.

While compensation is a fundamental element of human resources, perceptions about it vary from country to country. Wage and Salary are terms used to describe monetary rewards for physical and mental work. In different countries, these terms have different meanings, confusing the purpose of compensation management. A good compensation package should attract the right talent, reward their loyalty, and reduce labor costs.


Human resources benefits refer to a variety of non-wage compensation benefits provided to employees of an organization. These benefits are in addition to the salaries and wages that are normally paid to an employee. These types of benefits are also known as salary packaging and salary exchange. They are an important tool in motivating employees to work hard and to stay in a particular company.

These benefits include health insurance, a basic pension plan, and other perks that employees may find valuable. Many candidates and employees expect a good employee benefits package as a means of financial security and work-life balance. Therefore, it is important to select the best benefits for your employees. If you want to learn more about how to make the best choices for your employees, consider downloading the free report.

Another important aspect of HR is workplace safety. Safety programs, industry-specific assessments on site, and a strong workers’ compensation program are just some of the ways to reduce the risk of workplace injuries. In addition, employees should also be given the opportunity to take part in training and development programs. This can help them become more knowledgeable about their jobs and introduce new ideas to the organization.

Employee benefits can help a company attract and retain talented employees. A recent study found that companies that provide these benefits saw a reduction in employee turnover of 138%. These benefits are an essential tool in the war for talent. Employees want to work for companies that care about their well-being and offer benefits that will help them grow.

Work-life balance

Employers can attract and retain top talent by providing flexible working options. To achieve this, employers must first understand what their employees want and talk to them about their specific goals and objectives. For example, some workers may benefit from allowing themselves to work from home or alter their schedules in order to spend more time with their families.

Surveys can be useful for HR professionals seeking to understand the effects of work-life balance in the workplace. The ORC Network conducts surveys of members of the Network and AHRMIO. This survey is Web-based, which allows participants to respond at their convenience. The survey format allows respondents to address some questions at a later time, and each response is automatically stored in a database.

Research shows that work-life balance is good for employee health and satisfaction. In addition, it increases employee commitment. It can also improve creativity and problem-solving skills. In addition, it improves social interactions. And of course, it helps a company’s bottom line. Work-life balance is essential for both employees and employers.

Work-life balance is a critical issue for HR professionals and should be given careful consideration. A well-designed work-life policy can improve employee morale and reduce absenteeism. Moreover, it can increase a company’s overall performance.

Compliance with labor laws

Managing compliance with labor laws is a critical responsibility for human resources managers. Fortunately, there are several steps that can help employers stay in compliance with the law. First, human resources professionals must stay current on the latest changes to federal and state laws. They also need to conduct regular audits and develop checklists to ensure they are complying with all applicable laws. This can help prevent costly workplace accidents and lawsuits. Second, HR managers need to train their employees in compliance with labor laws. They also need to provide training for managers and supervisors, who represent the business in day-to-day employment decisions.

While the United States Department of Labor oversees most labor laws, many states have their own laws regarding the working life of the average citizen. Many of these state laws are very similar to federal laws, but smaller jurisdictions may have their own rules and regulations. By understanding and adhering to these laws, HR managers can make sure they are complying with the law and meeting the needs of the employees.

In addition, HR managers should attend periodic HR webinars or conferences to keep abreast of the latest employment laws and other legal issues. This will help them stay ahead of compliance requirements while also reducing the HR department’s workload.

Employee relations

Human resources and employee relations are important functions within an organization. They help to maintain employee morale and productivity and manage risk. Human resources professionals can also help with sensitive issues, such as termination or reorganization. In addition, they can offer advice to managers and supervisors on how to handle employee grievances.

Employee relations is the process of creating positive relationships between an organization’s management and its employees. It involves a variety of topics, including employee morale, communication, engagement, and performance appraisals. It also includes promoting a fair and inclusive work environment. In addition, it can address a range of claims involving bullying, harassment, or discrimination.

A successful HR manager must be able to manage people and have a forward-thinking mindset. Good communication skills are essential, especially if working with a labor-relations team. In addition, a manager must have good emotional intelligence to understand people’s emotions and deal with any conflicts that may arise. This will make it easier to resolve conflicts between co-workers and ensure the best interests of the organization. In addition, a good sense of empathy will also be an asset in the labor-relations team.

Managing employee relations and human resources requires a centralized management system that combines the strengths of both departments. Creating a centralized management system will help reduce the risks and ensure maximum protection for the company’s workforce. This hybrid model is a smart option for businesses that want to improve collaboration within their organization. It will ensure that HR professionals play to their strengths while ensuring transparency and effective communication.

