Blockchain Learning Matrix: Database vs Blockchain a comparative view

Business Blockchain
Business Blockchain
1 min readMar 16, 2018

As part of our assistance to companies and individuals on how to adopt Blockchain/DLT in their initiatives and business cases. We create this learning asset called “BLOCKCHAIN LEARNING MATRIX a comparative View”. We like to share the 1.0 versión of this document.

The matrix is ​​very simple: It contrasts the databases versus Blockchain, listing its participants and the actions allowed in each of these systems.

It also exposes the main properties and their characteristics are contrasted between both technologies.

Finally, it addresses the singularities of the Permissionless blockchain against the Permissioned blockchain.

If you want the pdf version of this asset please visit

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Business Blockchain
Business Blockchain

Somos una empresa tecnológica con presencia en Chile, Ecuador y la región , proveemos soluciones y servicios de blockchain empresarial