Supporter Spotlight: Hims & Hers and Comcast & Swell

Business for America
Business for America Blog
2 min readNov 1, 2020

With Election Day just around the corner, the businesses community continues to make an impact with Operation Vote Safe, helping to keep voters and poll workers safe and votes secure in 2020.

Hims & Hers

Hims & Hers is dedicated to ensuring people have easy and affordable access to quality wellness products, prescriptions, and medical advice. Through the telehealth company’s online platform, Hims & Hers makes seeking care possible for anyone, no matter where they live. The brand is founded on the precedent that you have to take care of yourself in order to be the best version of yourself, and this November they are expanding that thought process to the election.

Hims & Hers believes that safety is essential to a fair election. The company made an impact with a $10,000 contribution to buy PPE to protect poll workers located in Pennsylvania and Ohio. The health and wellness of the American people has always been at the forefront of Hims & Hers, so the expansion of their corporate purpose to include our elections is a natural step. We are so excited to partner with Hims & Hers and can’t wait to see what else this incredible company does with its GOTV initiative.

Comcast & Swell

The telecommunications conglomerate Comcast understands the power of their reach and are using it for good. Comcast is dedicated to supporting this year’s election and encouraging the Pennsylvania community to vote through a new partnership with Business for America.

Swell, a local Pennsylvania creative agency, created an animated public safety announcement that outlines PA voters’ options for how to cast their ballot in 2020, and a helpful tutorial given recent election changes. Comcast then broadcast this announcement across their networks throughout the state of Pennsylvania to encourage all viewers to vote — and vote safely.

On October 13th, Comcast launched their new initiative Comcast RISE, to aid and empower small businesses affected by the global pandemic. Comcast RISE will offer grants, marketing, and technology upgrades to ensure the businesses hit hardest by COVID-19 are able to survive this difficult time. Despite being one of the largest media houses in the nation, Comcast recognizes the value of a strong community and is working to empower the entrepreneurs and small businesses of America.

The election will be over soon, but there are still many things your business can do to help keep voters and poll workers safe. To get involved, please contact us!



Business for America
Business for America Blog

Business for America is a business alliance for better government, a healthy democracy, and a more competitive, innovative business climate. Visit