Staying ahead of the Curve

There is a widespread perception amongst young people that their university course is a direct route to their future career.

Alexander Cheng
BusinessOne Insider
5 min readOct 9, 2017


But, what if I told you, that it isn’t enough to land you your dream job. Companies are moving away from hiring based solely on qualifications and more towards hiring based on extracurricular involvement, results and achievements and, advanced technical skills such as project management.

What students don’t realise, is that their university course is a standard requirement across all companies. It is the experiences you gained, the connections you’ve made and the online presence you’ve built that will set you apart from other candidates. That is why the first step to stay ahead of everyone else is stop basing your decisions and actions on what everyone else is doing. It’s time to raise the bar for yourself and see what you’re capable of. To do so, you need to first know what you want to achieve in life personally and career wise and from there you’ll be able to identify skill gaps that can help you achieve your goals and aspirations.

So, the question is, how can I stay ahead of the curve? I identified five ways that can help you harness your competitive advantage.

1. Have a solid career plan

Almost everyone has a goal or aspiration they hope to achieve, which can be categorised as short term and long term goals. However, the future can be highly uncertain, the changing landscape of business means that job roles are changing, talent is increasing, and technology is changing the way we do things. That is why having a solid career plan in place can serve as a reliable road-map to achieving your goals and aspirations. This also serves to help you deal with ambiguity and become more self-aware.

So, what does a career plan look like?
There are various ways you can approach this; it is also a personal choice of what you think works well for you. However, I have provided a snapshot of how my career plan looks like, focusing on the year 2017 and how it is aligned with where I want to be in the next ten years in my personal life and my career. Essentially, my goals for each quarter must be aligned with where I’d like to be in the future. There is no point in investing time and resources in the short-term if they are not brought into line with your long-term goals.

Rudimentary Example of a Career Plan

2. Stay abreast of change and trends

Getting ahead in today’s fast-paced world is imperative to a successful career. Keeping up to date with industry news and trends will help you identify your skill gaps, opportunities for growth and development and in effect will help you stay ahead of the curve. To stay abreast of changes and trends in your industry this can be done by:

  • Finding a mentor: a mentor can help you build your knowledge and provide a unique perspective on your industry through personal experiences and exposure to the evolving landscape of business.
  • Subscribe to online newsletters: Industry related journals, blogs, magazines and other publications is an easy way to stay in the loop of current changes in your industry and finally;
  • Networking: industry events is a great opportunity to hear from industry leaders talk about how they got to where they are now, and receive some useful tips and advice that can help you build your career. It is helpful to hear from industry leaders discuss what employers are currently looking for in job applicants which can be used to your advantage next time you apply for a job.

3. Skill up

Identifying the areas of where you need to improve (which can be identified in your career plan) is necessary for career and personal development. Many companies now require their employees to keep op top of new developments, especially working in a fast-paced environment. I have found that being involved in extracurricular activities has given me a competitive advantage amongst other candidates. That is because I have been given the opportunities to put my skills to practice and develop and enhance new skills along the way. I’ve also been attending workshops hosted by General Assembly to upskill in other areas such as agile/project management.

So what does skilling up mean for you?

  • You will stand out from the crowd.
  • You will impress employers by highlighting your talent and demonstrating character and;
  • Progress your career at a faster rate.

4. Build your online presence

By now, most people are on LinkedIn, but how many people are active? With at least 90% of recruiters sourcing for talent on LinkedIn, it is important to make sure your profile is up-to-date and as interactive as possible, whether it be writing articles or posting about your achievements.

More importantly, building your connections on LinkedIn is just as important. Following up with industry leaders you recently met at a networking event or connecting with people who inspire you is a great way to build your connections. By building your online presence, you will find recruiters viewing your profile and even big industry leaders interested in what you do. Remember, that a lot of job offers are made through connections so make sure you always leave a good impression!

5. Improve your emotional intelligence

Self-awareness is a significant attribute of emotional intelligence, and an important skill companies are emphasising.

Decades of research now point to emotional intelligence as being the critical factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack. The connection is so strong that 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence.

The ability to be resilient, to be adaptable and deal with ambiguity is important, especially in a fast-moving world. There are several online testing’s that you can do that provides an analysis of individual motivations, personal resilience, management skills and emotional control in a workplace setting. By doing so, you’ll be able to assess your key strengths and weaknesses which are something you must be aware of especially before going into any interview.

Your future career is what you make of it!

Written By,

Mariam A-Elhoda



Alexander Cheng
BusinessOne Insider

I write, edit, and collate articles for the BusinessOne Insider, a student-written, consulting and professional development newsletter.