The Technology of Tomorrow

Henry Mulak
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2021

Artificial Intelligence without writing Computer Code

There’s no reason for delay. Now is the time to jump into Artificial Intelligence because of recent advances in technology. These advances allow for the use of AI and Machine Learning without being a programmer. It’s known as NoCode AI. Product Manager Kristine Kalnina takes us through her experience with NoCode AI in the Business School of AI’s WeeklyWed. She demonstrates, for example, how a bicycle rental company can better predict busy days. “It’s doable and not intimidating,” she says, explaining how the everyday business person can utilize free software on cloud-based platforms to access the “technology of tomorrow.”

Kalnina, while attending the Barcelona Technology School, introduced herself to cloud computing with a free course from Microsoft, then accessed the company’s Azure cloud computing service. These services now include the likes of Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services. Kalnina encourages people to “pick it up and play around with it. There’s no reason for delay.” People with varied backgrounds, not just engineers, are now able to tool around with AI.

“Curiosity and open mindedness will be keys to success,” and Kalnina says being “courageous and resilient” are also necessary. After all, “you will fail!” Failure is part of emerging yourself in the ever evolving world of AI, including things like GTP-3. This is a language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. It enables an individual to type in a few words and GPT-3 finishes out the sentence. Applications for business are seemingly infinite. Customers, for example, visit a company’s website and type in a few words and immediately get prompts for service that meets their needs based on what they required in the past or have already purchased. GTP-3’s full version is said to have a capacity of 175-billion machine learning parameters. “Allow yourself to explore,” Kalnina says.

In summary, Kalnina says you’ll want to connect with like minded people in your exploration of these technological advances. “Connect with people who are learning.” The free exchange of ideas allows for growth and experimentation. Kalnina points out that, “ideas that are not validated are not worth anything.” She might be someone to watch as her new product is being acquired by a startup, but the details are still under wraps. At least on this one, we’ll have to wait a little bit longer to see the results of “The Technology of Tomorrow.”

Note: Kristine Kalnina participated in panels in the IoTWomensplaning class at the Business School of AI, the brainchild of Sudha Jamthe, and is showcased in the school’s newsletter this week, detailing her career pivot into Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.

The Author: Henry Mulak is a journalist and teacher in Silicon Valley covering the technology sector, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

