I Lost Views Due to a Bug. You Probably Too!

How to fix it.

Sergi Slavich💎
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2022


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay . Sexy zero!

Here’s the story I promised you a while ago. It applies to almost all writers on this platform. The fact is that many of you are under-receiving your views because of one bug, or rather a very poor optimization of Medium for mobile devices and Meduim app.

It affected me as well.

But I have begun to correct that mistake.

And I will teach you how to do it.

Why is it so important?

I’ve noticed that almost all of my old stories have stopped gaining views, completely…

Only empty bagels!🥯🥯🥯 I’m sorry if I made you hungry!

00000 by author

Guys, are you the same with old stories?

Perhaps this is due to changes in the algorithm that took place recently.

The algorithm gives preference to stories that:

-were curated by Meduim staff (these stories are in the minority)
- stories which have received high engagement
- the most recent stories.



Sergi Slavich💎

A writer-blogger. An enthusiast in digital marketing and SEO topics. Open to job offers