Busy Community Testing V2— Results

Ing. Robert Michálek
2 min readSep 23, 2022


We’re proud to announce that Busy Community Testing V2 was successfully closed, and we are bringing the test results. During the 2 weeks, the users had a chance to involve in the second bug bounty event by Busy with a reward of up to $4000 in BUSY tokens. Luckily for Busy, no critical or high severity bugs were found. We have received a lot of valuable feedback and improvements. We cannot thank everyone enough for their efforts in helping us test the network and provide valuable feedback.

Community Testing V2 had more interest than the previous Community Testing V1. Way more, check the statistics below.

Statistics of the testing

Users created around:

  1. 659 wallets on BusyChain (previously 302),
  2. 131 new tokens on BusyChain (combination of BUSY-20, BUSY-NFT, BUSY-GAME, and special BUSY NFT) (previously 45),
  3. 619 841 transactions (previously 2976),
  4. staked a total of 7 352 500 BUSY coins (previously 69 000) with the reward of 101 096.875 BUSY coins (previously 430.44672).

Bug-hunting statistics:

  1. 126 feedbacks (previously 26),
  2. 83 reportings (previously 14),
  3. 38 reportings not accepted (primarily because of user issues),
  4. 45 reportings were accepted, but 22 of them were duplicates,
  5. The total number of accepted low-severity “bugs” is 23 (previously 9),
  6. Most of the reporting was regarding Desktop Wallet,
  7. The total reward for the accepted bugs is $1 150 in BUSY tokens,
  8. The list of rewards is located at the end of the article.

The whole BusyChain, including API, Desktop Wallet, and BusyScan, worked perfectly. We have already started fixing the reported bugs and some suggestions.

Thank you, Busy Community, for your support during this crucial event.

In a few weeks, you can look forward to the final steps to the mainnet! Stay tuned, StayBusy!

List of rewards*

Calculated rewards will be distributed in BUSY tokens

*The rewards will be issued ONLY in $BUSY ERC-20 tokens. The rewards will be sent within 48 hours of the announcement.



Ing. Robert Michálek
Editor for

Master degree from the University of Business and Economics Systems Engineering & Informatics — many years of experience in software and e-commerce development.