Videoly helps boost your sales with product videos

Adrian Leversby


**Partner content from Videoly**

Did you know that product reviews and how-to’s are currently the most watched category on YouTube and that studies show that two-thirds of people are more likely to purchase a product online after watching a video?

The case for product videos is now stronger than ever. Videos bring products to life online in a way unlike any other, and by utilising elements such as human voice, tone, body language and music they can be used to create engaging stories around products. With video, multiple senses are activated at the same time, which triggers stronger emotional responses in customers and ultimately influences the purchasing decision in ways that other types of information can’t.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple to cover thousands of products with great product videos, which is why Trollweb has teamed up with video automation service Videoly to provide their customers with an easy and effective way to leverage video content at scale. By utilising existing video content from the internet and integrating it directly to product pages, Videoly helps provide richer product information, a more engaging customer experience and increased sales to online retailers.

So how does Videoly work?

  • First, Trollweb helps you implement a small piece of JavaScript code to your product page template.
  • Videoly begins to automatically scan the product information on your product pages and searches for matching video content on the internet.
  • Matching product videos go to the content curation queue, where they are checked for quality, copyright, and suitability to your online store.
  • Videos that pass inspection are automatically embedded to the product page through the Videoly widget, which ensures that videos are displayed aesthetically and in a place that maximizes video views.
  • You can then easily manage (add/delete videos) your personal video library through the MyVideoly portal.

With Videoly, online stores can expect to see increased time spent on site leading to improved search engine optimization, greater conversion rates for products with video, and better informed purchase decisions (and potentially fewer returns) owing to the high informational value of videos.

Read on to find out how Trollweb customer Fjellsport has benefited from the use of product videos in its online store:

Customer success story

Before Videoly, sports and outdoor equipment retailer Fjellsport was struggling with utilizing video content on their site. Their platform only enabled adding one video per product and that video was hidden behind a tab, making it hard for customers to find it. Additionally, because they would publish their product information only once, if they didn’t find a video at that time (or if a brand’s video hadn’t been released yet), they wouldn’t return to the product later. Ironically, this meant that the quicker and more effective Fjellsport’s PIM processes became, the less video content they had!

With Videoly the situation has completely reversed. The number of products covered with video has more than tripled, videos are located neatly below the main product picture, and products can have multiple videos — for example one that presents the product and another that shows how it works. Using an automated service also means that Fjellsport saves many hours of manual work each month, and they can publish their products and product information straight away, without having to stress about finding the right video at that exact moment.

The effect on sales from increased video content has also been positive. Fjellsport’s customers are more likely to convert when they watch videos, and overall products with video content convert higher than those that don’t. Particularly mobile has seen a significant boost. In A/B testing conducted in December 2017, there was a 13.24% increase in conversion for customers that were shown video compared to those that weren’t.

“Now we can finally take full advantage of product videos, with minimal effort!”

Fjellsport PIM Manager Viktor Höjman nicely summarizes.

Do you want to know how many of your products Videoly could cover with videos?

Videoly can scan your store to determine the amount of video content available for your shop:

You can also book a demo meeting with Videoly by contacting our Head of Nordic Sales at Paula will also be present at NXT in Oslo on May 24th and is available to meet up there.

