7 Questions Everyone Keeps Asking Us About Our New Company
1. What are you trying to fix?
Ever notice how awful it is digging through a shared drive for stuff at work? Yeah, us too. Coming up empty handed and asking a coworker for help is even more time consuming. Despite having great productivity tools, actually finding the content you know exists somewhere is still a frustrating waste of time. This is a big problem and up to now, technology hasn’t put much of a dent in it. We’re going to make that dent.
2. What’s your new company’s name?
It’s called Butter.ai — like the thing Paula Deen loves, mixed with R2D2. We’ve been trying to call something “butter” for years, and then this episode of Rick and Morty came along…
3. How great is your founding team?
Have you seen Armageddon? Remember the team of oil drillers that saved the planet from an asteroid that was careening towards Earth? That’s how good our team is! Except, instead of oil drillers, it’s an amazing group of friends from Evernote and beyond that’s perfect for rebooting how people find and use information inside companies.
4. Have you raised any money?
We’ve raised $3 million from General Catalyst and Phil Libin is joining our board.
5. Why are you talking about this now?
We wanted to be public about what we’re working on so that we could start hanging out at bot conferences and hiring new people without being all mysterious.
6. So you’re hiring?
Yes, and if you’re reading Medium during the day then you’re perfect! Just email me directly.
7. Can I try it?
Sign up on Butter.ai to get access as soon as it’s ready.
Jack, Juan Carlos, Jordan, Adam, Tipu, Akhil and Brandon